KRISHNA Radha sought her love in you, Meera her solace Under the canopy of your peacock feathers I found my grace Your sparkling eyes embraces my sorrows Dazzling blue aura from your divine form blesses my tomorrows Imparting great words of wisdom as a charioteer of Arjuna You were a role model with your friendship with the humble Sudama Many a demons you slayed, many a kingdoms conquered With a smile on your lips and lotus eyes, many a humiliation tolerated Storms and darkness helped you escape your enemy Yamuna flooded yet carried you safely to your destiny Endearingly you were named 'Maakhan Chor' Butter was what you craved more and more! Loved by all and revered by many Mesmerized by the melodious strains from your celestine flute, the Gopis danced in a frenzy You are the creator, the world is an illusion When a devotee seeks you he's free from all worldly...
Sanguine Allegory is a cache of fables, fairy tales, and fantasy. With a weave of words on a dreamy tapestry, there are nostalgic memoirs, stories of lands faraway and also poetry.