Unspoken words, uncomfortable silences
Unresolved emotions on various tangled threads
Careening to rock bottom when the night is freezing cold
A mellow light shines through when the dawn is nearly gold
When the heart hangs heavy and defeated
Assuring myself tomorrow will bring a solution and problems will be depleted
What secrets behold, what mystery is about to unfold?
Tomorrow is not promised yet I with bated breath tread on this unknown road
Curves and bends show me pathways new
Trails and alleys to explore meandering through
Tomorrow is a fiction, yet I want to write this story
To keep my dreams flickering by weaving some fantasy
It's my rosy hued world where everything is hunky-dory
An escape from this daily grind there isn't surely
If tomorrow comes I will greet the marmalade sky
The hallowed canvas with a masterpiece of colors so high
Talk to the breeze and feel it in my hair
Run through sweet scented grass with my feet bare
If tomorrow comes let me, to myself be kinder, softer and more compassionate
Speak of my vulnerable moments to those who will hold them in a manner delicate
The stars will still twinkle and the rivers will still flow
Tomorrow brings a lot of hope and clarity in my heart will glow.
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
Pic Courtesy:Pixabay
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