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Showing posts from April 2, 2023


                                     FAIRY GODMOTHER  Rainbow of lustrous dazzle were your eyes, you had a spring in your step once upon a time… A joy in your bounce, a tinkle in your voice, your laughter was such a melodious chime! Millions of stars sparkled in my eyes when I saw your face You were my sun, my sunshine and all it's radiant rays Yesteryears of halcyon days make me nostalgic The old-gold eras of serene life was so majestic… Under the pearly moon and a violet star spangled dome you told me stories so fantastic! Over the rainbow and star-spangled heavens, is the mystical land of unicorns you told me with conviction! Resplendent are the memorabilia I hold dear and cherish Lustrous are the photo albums they hold a treasure in perpetual flourish Dreary days turn into sunny summers and spring,  When the memory of your voice lilting a cheer brings. Triumphant I'd felt with your Midas Touch,"Of course you can do it, go for it" you would vouch! Tantrums and temp


                       BEATS ME ! Do you still remember the sunsets of the halcyon world Where all the twilight hues on the sky in ribbons and confetti twirled? Do monsters and dragons have a story to tell Before you write them off as vicious, wicked and evil? Do they mask their faces with a sinister reality While hidden in the shadows,can't wait to see your downfall and rip you of all dignity? Did I make a right choice when the road forked? The curve, the bend led to a bottomless pit they joked Social media is a scroll of messages, replies and comments  I can't keep the pace they're an unending bombard I've to get my life back on track to myself I command Will looking pretty and shapely make them love you? Surely not! Everyone loves only themselves, they couldn't care less it's absolutely true. How do I seek happiness and peace? Live in the moment, work on my skills, be myself and don't people-please. Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                   TURN BACK TIME  Teardrops are like shimmer on a rain washed sky They're the reason for the rainbows of memories sparkling bright A star, is my frozen tear that keeps twinkling and pulsing  Like pearls incandescent and diamonds on a hyaline night On a midwinter night among a chorus of stars serenading the moon A scorch of enchanting ethereal silver  Blazed brilliantly across the indigo in a dash of glitter "Make a wish" my heart did whisper  And so I with my fragile courage, did muster I wished upon that star and asked for a wand so powerful to turn back time  To send you back to me, my heart pleadingly did chime. Or a crystal ball so magical, to find you and seek you…never let you go To cast a spell and make all my dreams come true or stay there forever with you. I wish I could hear you one more time as you say  "Let me tie up your hair, you won't feel hot on a summer day…" You'd say, "Have a full glass of warm turmeric milk to h


                    ELYSIAN FIELDS  Myriad moments of sentiments rush in Yesteryears seem like a long-forgotten dream Heartstrings are tugged when deja-vu overwhelms Evenings in solitude are full of nostalgic realms Azure, cloudless empyrean and the cotton candy clouds were made for you and me Incandescence of the pearly full moon has me in a trance Scintilla of the crescent , the heavenly smile makes me want to dance. Twilight ushers in amaranthine hues, to my tired eyes, it's a welcome treat Raindrops pattering are a steady rhythm to my heartbeat. Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath


              STUDDED WITH AMETHYST  She traversed untrodden, endless roads The blazing sun scorching her eyes Mirages dancing until the horizon became   One with the skies Hallucinating, she was on turquoise water, while the world turned topsy-turvy  Palm trees in a distance, on dunes of umber and tawny Upon the rain washed sky of deep ultramarine So oblivious was she to puffy clouds billowing in shades of citrine Sunbeams sparkled off arcs of rainbows on perfect dome azure That once reminded her of songs and melodies quite pristine and pure She now steals silken strands out of the summery cobalt  And weaves a duvet to cocoon her porcelain heart Pastel are the waves of sunshine and puddles of sky cyan Quelling in her heart are untamed oceans and relentless rain From the window of her memories, she now gazes solemnly, every memory an episode In her quest to find a map that plasters the worn out lines on this ode… Yet, her pirate heart seeks a treasure hunt to quench unending thirsts–


                           BEDAZZLED  Beauty is Innocence The first fresh raindrop of Monsoon Rain, Rain on parched earth, you're a boon The sweet Daisies and Lambs of Spring The Robins who trill, chirp and sing Beauty is Empyrean Deep woods which have a log cabin A cascading waterfall, bubbling brook...Imagine! A rising moon, silver moonlight The first star that I see at night Beauty is Hypnotic A meadow of dancing wildflowers A canvas with myriad colours Breaking dawn and waning sunset On a celestial palette Beauty is Blemished! The burgeoning pearl of the heather canvas  Sometimes shrouded by an overcast sky Waxing and waning in phases, disappearing or eclipsed Turning tides, causing waves, her presence can't be denied! Pic Courtesy: ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour  ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                        MURMURATION  Winter sets in with the sky painted in streaks of violet, mauve and burgundy Geese, swallows, starlings migrate and in a murmuration get all ready Ballerinas they are of the skies and trees Acrobats gliding in formation, their grace is so flawless, I could weep! Over the ocean and seven seas, they perform as a flock, the sight is priceless! They delight you with shapes you've never seen! Mesmerised I stand as I steadily gaze My trance unbroken, my vision doesn't faze Like a tidal wave, they rise and fall Chirping, cooing, calling above the howl of the wind, roar of turbulence and all Like a signal unheard, they disperse in an instant The star-studded show ends as quickly as it started I wonder at nature's grace, glory and wisdom… As the birds begin to keep warm and fly north in search of another kingdom. Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                   GARDEN OF LIFE  The tree of knowledge stands majestic and deep-rooted, soaking up the rainwater and drenching in the sunny warmth Enlightening myself under it's mural of emerald and jade leaves bright Under the moon and starry skies, I revel in my glory with all my might! Even in times of turmoil and despair, victorious I will emerge, the power of knowledge says! Basking in it's shade every moment doing what I do Inviting good fortunes with prayers and resolute fortitude! Every dark brazen cloud has a dazzling lining of promise, When words are all there are, to cast magical spells as a fairy godmother or spew poison like a trolling monster Cutting through like darts, piercing hearts like an arrow, trailing a chasm of sorrow Few lend you bricks to erect your castle and palace, others get sore and spurt vicious malice! Tender hearts ripped savagely, echoes dousing them in a lifetime of brutality Weaving words of exotic motifs on velvet and satin tapestry, entwi


                   A FAILED PARADISE  When stars swim on the heather dome And spires of fir shimmer in the pale ochre light Windless nights hold my dreams on golden clouds Harps of minstrels strum these woods asleep Dappled with dew, the pearly strands on gossamer webs Sparkles in my cinereal eyes as the dawn breaks Blazing butterflies in summer, robins red and cardinals in December  Perfumes of pine tousle my windswept titian hair Filigreed ribbons of purple noons Gaze upon thirsting flowers in a tapering gloom On fertile prairies and barren moors Moth wings sizzle under a blood moon Wild wailing voices from the waning shadows Blemish the stillness of my ebony woods Spells of Eden flow through us Tyranny of mirages runs it's course Sweet was our failed garden, a paradise now in ruins Glistening in an ice storm, tarnished sirens endlessly burning… Pic Courtesy:ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                                              PETRICHOR  July monsoon! Perfume of wild roses and a meadow breeze played a medley  Winding it's through my cobblestone alley The air was charged in static shrouds Rich marbled metal skies laden with grey livid clouds Ready to explode any moment at their seams Their soul fragmented into a million droplets drenching earth-parched dreams Summer flowers drooped in an intoxication of the marvel In the ripples and puddles the symphony of nature would revel Petrichor along with floral notes dances a tango in the rain infused fare… There came a feathered visitor, a majestic beauty With a Sapphire and Emerald plumage resplendent A golden fan tail with thousands of mesmerizing eyes iridescent! He's the magnificent Mayura, the compassionate Chitramekhala, the pious Parvani Heralding the monsoon unfurling his celestial feathers in full glory! My pale blue denim legs deepened to a bright indigo Matching his as I danced with him in the summer sh


                  THE CONQUISTADORS  Arriving on shores foreign, in gargantuan  Armadas and Galleons with malevolent battalion Conquistadors sporting golden billowing mane Skin of rose-blush and of hue champagne  Trumpets and bugles bayed, cannons boomed Vanquishing a paradise, the natives- doomed! Knives and daggers in sheaths glistening  Chasms and dismal abyss widening  Pawns to protect the monarch they were Shipped as slaves for emperors and kings…quite unaware… Wielding swords ruthlessly  Shackled or massacred in the reign of supremacy Shrivelled and dying, the indigenous were soon a scarcity Meadows elysian were a graveyard of the unburied Corpses sprawled were meat for vultures, hunters of brutal herd Limbs were lifeless and so were their eyes Scarlet rivers trickled, garishly bloodied were hands of white My pastures, your blood-soaked battlefield  God you were, God of death, oh agony! Oh heartbreak! The rain still pours and the sun still shines The river still flows and the w


                 TÊTE-À-TÊTE WITH MYSELF  Oh Hey! There you are, Sangeetha! A face that I want to see first thing every morning! Quite a journey we've trudged together demanding and overwhelming! Who are you, you ask? I see you for the unseen scars you don't go flaunting And the battles you've overcome oh so daunting! That's a sacred secret we've locked in vault Ain't for all to know, judge and find fault… But here you're today as bright as a spring dawn Once upon a time tongue tied but no longer as shy as a fawn As fading eventide gives way to yawning twilight You're a dancer, pirouetting in dark lace to match the Iris heavens From soft-spun gossamer webs you weave mystical daydreams and wizardry, The sunbeams of silken gold threads to conjure marvel-like tapestry! The stars, sequins on your trailing gossamer and silk It's a heady potion where you sail on swan-shaped puffed clouds above An irenic space for fantasies and fairy tales of true love… Is


                                                    UNVEILED  Behind closed doors I bare my soul Talk to the moon gibbous, crescent or whole Gaze at the stars as they twinkle away Take off my mask weighing down on me all day… Behind closed doors are secrets untold Did I tell you I like to sing it's a passion I dearly hold? Paint a landscape mystical or a fairy world Thumbelina is my favourite, she holds a deep fascination a story of sheer gold Behind my closed doors is room full of books Bought brand new or from second hand stores and nooks Each one holds a title precious  I go on a journey oh so fabulous! Behind my closed doors are memories intricate  I couldn't narrate my lifetime in a nutshell it's elaborate and infinite  Tears of joy, whoops of delight, sadness of parting And grief that splintered my heart in shards fragmenting Behind closed doors is the mirror of truth I meet my eyes in the reflection boldly, forthwith Hurray! It says your conscience is clear Go forth