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Showing posts from April 3, 2022


  #Day 9 #soulcraftpoetry_napowrimo 2022 #NamMan # Skinny Poem The masks you wear Bury Your Pain, Sorrow... Bury Your Fear! Confidently Bury The masks you wear ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


  #NaPoWriMo2022 #ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour #Day 8 The obsidian skies and diamond dust sparkles Reminds me of the dark chocolate cake I baked you with rainbow sugar sprinkles... Sitting by my window I would reminisce and remember How I had lost you during the monsoon thundershower Seasons passed now it's all over. Comes a midsummer Unexpectedly, I met you in a chance encounter My heart pounded; anxious like a super racer Was I headed towards another heartbreaker? Whether bitter, better or sweeter I went bravely ahead with this matter If destiny meant for us to be together Surely what I'm headed for will not be a disaster I'm glad I took that risk, my dear Now I'm your queen and you, my emperor My heart sings with joy again, I've found my happy ending forever! ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


  #NaPoWriMo 2022 #SoulCraft #NamMan #Day 7 In a sanctuary and cocoon I pirouette and dance Diving into the depths of earthly delights, I'm in a trance! The world out there is just an illusion Master of mind games, a grand delusion It's only a life lesson, an earthly simulation! Until I wake up in my astral body, real fragmented sparkle illumination Let rosy eyed mirages on me, play tricks... On a glorious day I'll triumph and crack the matrix! ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


  The humble amphora vessel shaped by a potter Is the magic he wove on it's curves with clay and earthy terracotta The glaze speaks of a liquid blue sky which my heart can't muster... Fragrance wafts around it from herbs and rosemary planted in a cluster Reminding me of pita bread, basil pesto, iced beverage, fresh pasta... Tender sprigs sprout bursts of dainty purple flowers soaking in rainwater, The crisp medley glinting off aquamarine, mint, turquoise on my ewer! Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu

Celeste (Day 6 SoulCraft Poetry NaPoWriMo)

  Sundown sad goodbye Moon halo silver shimmer Diamond dust sparkle! Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


#Day 5 #Artoonsinn Poetry Parlour Prompt #It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.                    TO GOD BE THE GLORY "It's better to reign in hell than serve in heaven…" He knocked fervently on my door times seven He whispered desperately in my ear trying to get my attention Temptations are all around, I could make you a multi-millionaire Why do you turn a blind eye to them, my dear? Go away in God's name, Satan Your vile words won't come to any fruition You're a fallen angel reigning in hell with demons and Beelzebub Amid couldrons of boiling oil, molten fires and ear-splitting hubbub! Heaven is not a place of servitude It's my reward for living in paeity and chanting God's gratitude Music of harps, ethereal chants and song God's presence is loving and strong, to him I belong! Begone! Reign in hell forever, you! God's firewall of golden light is my shield and armour,  Get this clear and straight, it's a firm hint and cry


                                                PETRICHOR June! Perfume of wild roses and a  meadow breeze played a medley  Winding it's way through my cobblestone alley The air was charged in static shrouds Rich marbled metal skies laden with grey livid clouds They'd burst any moment at their seams Their soul fragmented into a million droplets, drenching earth-parched dreams Petrichor along with floral notes rare Dances a tango in the rain infused fare… Summer flowers drooped in an intoxication of the marvel In the ripples and puddles the symphony of nature would revel There came a feathered visitor, of majestic beauty With a Sapphire and Emerald plumage resplendent A golden fan tail with thousands of mesmerising eyes iridescent! He's the magnificent Mayura, the compassionate Chitramekhala, the pious Parvani Heralding monsoon unfurling his celestial feathers in full glory! My pale blue denim legs deepened to a bright indigo Matching his as I danced with him in the summer s


                   DEAREST MYSELF, As you go along in life, be soft and compassionate  Speak ambrose out of habit, but also be a firebrand assertive and obstinate Spew bursts of volatile flames like a dragon If trod upon, flatten 'em with artillery from your cannon! Be the rose among the bramble bush  Also the bramble that protects the rose.  Sprinkles a mist of respite in the tranquility of twilight hush A goblet of honeyed sunshine, my daily dose When life judges you, remember— You are allowed to fail without being tagged a failure! You are entitled to have your fears without being called a coward by any norms It's okay to collapse, crash and crumble but it's not okay to lay down your arms!  Bounce back on your feet! Soldier onward! Draw your courage like a sword,  Envelop your faith like an iron shield  Wear your confidence like an armour Rise ! Face the sun, catch a sunbeam in your palms, The sunlight in your face…  Cause a tiny ripple effect  Make w


#DAY 3 #SOULCRAFT NAPOWRIMO               BAR BAR DEKHO! He totters and stumbles into a tavern in a dark, wooded area The bartender is gobsmacked wondering what to offer as a panacea You look so pale and weak. What shall I get you? A warm drink, a Sangria? "The usual! Bring it in a goblet. Upsize", he says weak with anemia Bartender returning hastily sputters,"Here you go...from the ripest and juiciest. The proof is in the red." Customer ravenously guzzles it in one swift gulp  "You have mighty good stuff in here. I'll be back tomorrow, same time. Thanks today for your help! What with these lockdowns, not a soul ventures out these days...not even a whelp! "Yes, My Lord! I'll keep your stock ready for your rejuvenation and renew." Invigorated by the fresh, red, warm brew Count Dracula twirls his cape and soars high into the skies out of the Fresh 'Blood'y Hell Bar… How's this for my horror preview? Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha


  # DAY 3 #ARTOONSINN NAPOWRIMO Alice is not my name  But yet, in a Wonderland I lie... Dreaming of the summers gone by... Lying down on picnic mats and gazing up at airplanes flying up in the sky oh so high! I had read about Tinkerbell and the shimmery wings of fairies, Thinking how thrilling it must be to be able to fly across the starry nights and kaleidoscopic galaxies! I had read about Wendy, Casper, Peter Pan with great enthrall,  Fairies of Summer, Fairies of Spring,  Ones of Winter and even those of Fall. Flower fairies, Tree Fairies and fairies of every kind… Even about witches, the ones who, to Snow-white, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, were unkind. It was a dreamy world. It was a fairy world. Every Daisy, Bluebell or Buttercup might have a fairy hiding in them,I was told. I had come into this world, stardust in my eyes Clutching at a moonbeam. I would patiently look up at the sky to see If Witches fly on brooms on Halloween Or Santa Claus glides by with his reindeers and team.