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Showing posts from April 24, 2022


   # Day 30 #Soulcraftpoetry #NaPoWriMo2022 #celebrate                 CELEBRATE ( To be sung to the tune of 'These are a few of my favourite things' ) Me time for hobbies like scrapbooking journals Trying out recipes with whisks and new ladles Going for walks and meeting stray cats These are what I truly celebrate Dancing and twirling a jig or a Salsa  I keep myself fit with Zumba and Bachata Yoga and Zen are my dolce vita Celebrate rapture and ecstasy! Arts and the colours of paints and the markers Inks and pigments on the canvas and papers Drawing a floral or urban cities Pleasure is mine to celebrate all of these! Friends and their laughter Their gossip and giggles Heart to heart talks and their long conversations Running through meadows in sunshine and rains These are what I truly celebrate… Parties and fruit punch And wrapped birthday presents Hugs and embraces and love filled ambience Partings and goodbyes are not what I like Farewell isn't mine to truly celebrate…


  Catherine Rose Manoshi Bose I can hear you tiptoeing, yes.  Gently pirouetting through lyrical lanes You sing the songs going through my head  Giving them the right expressions of what I want to say.  Your dulcet renditions of songs of eras gold In a hypnotic trance has me in binding hold A package of talent multitude, poetry is your ace game Makes me want to come back and reread the same With a heart of gold and generous with compliments You've always appreciated my amateurish and novice writings of sentiments This next prompt which is an ode to a poet I admire, 👍👍🌈 Sayonara it's not, 'cause my footprints will always follow you, seeking you, your poetry, to emulate your style and elan I'm the answer to the question you ask— "What is the colour of poetry?" It's a wonderful hue called Manoshi ethereally extraordinary I'm the watered down pastel version of the same, I look up to you with my eyes starry Your mellifluous odes and poesy enraptured and


#Day 30 #ArtoonsinnPoetryParlour #Napowrimo2022                               BRAVA! Poets, writers, lyricists and composers You led me into your magical world of  Emotions, sentiments, thoughts and fears A month we spent on weaving words together On a single prompt everyday which brought as friends much closer Days and nights were spent appreciating and giving emojis of hugs and hearts Sorrows and tears were cathartic wiped away by virtual fingertips gentle… Witty and hilarious pieces were like a much needed manna on a careworn day NaPoWriMo ends today, tomorrow's just a another boring Sunday😢 Why does it feel like a send-off from college? Will good times rock and roll again soon or April was the exquisite privilege? I will walk the sun-scorched days next week Meeting you all was something I looked forward to every morn, now I'm back to my grind so bleak Sayonara I don't say, only Konnichiwa Ladies you all were amazing—We did it! BRAVA! Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha


#Day29 #Soulcraftpoetry #Napowrimo2022 # QUADRILLE ---a poem with exactly 44 words                 ARIEL'S WEDDING Underwater garths of incandescent bulbs  Comes alive with pulsing wispy tails of electric ribbons, Lighting up the depths of the ocean as they glide along,  These bouquets of a mermaid's wedding.  They sparkle, tentacles eveready to strike anyone who is in their territory wrong.


# Day 29 #ArtoonsinnPoetryParlour #NaPoWriMo2022 Prompt # Write a poem which ends in a question                    Work from home! That being said, I only need an alarm at dawn to prepare breakfast before Home Based Lessons start. After which, I don’t need any clocks in my house nor do I have to keep time… until noon, my thudding heart! For, exactly at 8.a.m. every day, a shrill jarring female voice spilling over with annoyance rends through the silence... Unfortunately from the apartment facing right across my bedrooms, the darned disturbance! For the next 4 hours, I can be rest assured of an unrelenting, whopping migraine and the non-stop varied sopranos of this angry,  operatic yelling Amid her pauses and also along with her as a chorus, there ensues another miniature version of her voice full of tantrums and stubborn bawling. Keeping her front door wide open, the shrieking female voice reaches a crescendo Like the final beat of the drum, down comes a crash, of a heap of utensils i


# Day 28 #ArtoonsinnPoetryParlour # If                                 IF If I could wish upon a star,I'd ask the heavens to send you back to me. If wishes were horses, I'd turn back time. If I could fly, I'd disappear to Neverland… Perhaps meet Tinkerbell and Peter Pan? If I had a crystal ball, I'd find you and seek you…never let you go If I could slide down a rainbow, I'd get that lucky pot of gold and give it all to you… If dreams could come true, I would want to stay there forever with you. Or steal you from them 'cause I need you more Can you hear me when I call for you? Beseechingly my voice rents the air on this side but are you aware as you walk away to the other? The barrier between us is a soundproof air mass…  I wish I could hear you one last time as you say  To help you sleep better, have warm milk in a full glass." "Let me tie up your hair, you won't feel hot on a summer day…" I yearn for your love, your stories, your lullabies…e


# Day 28 #Soulcraftpoetry # NaPoWriMo 2022                             MORPH Rippling, gushing, bubbling, calm Camping beside brooks and lakes  Are a soothing salve, to my soul, a comforting balm Water is healing,in return it nothing takes… Roaring, rising, crashing, tempest Wrath of nature is sometimes at its mightiest Sweeping, suctioning and ravaging in its wake Floods and tsunamis are a vengeance of mother earth… Treasures and sunken ships in its depths hold the oceans and seas Untold sea life and marine creatures skim and swim in briny blue bliss Coral reefs and colourful fish make an underwater wonderland Filtering dappled light shimmers cyan and turquoise so grand In its depths I feel like a mermaid Turning and pirouetting without gravity holding me back I can glide and twist to my heart's delight… Cocooning and enveloping me in its loving embrace, water is all welcoming Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


# Day 27 #Soulcraftpoetry #NaPoWriMo2022  Prompt #Create a mythical creature of your own and write a narrative poetry on this creature                 SAN AND THE SNOW-BIRD In an icy hamlet with a wintry fairy tale, lived a snow-bird who sang sweeter than a Nightingale.  She warbled at daybreak to a girl who always had a song on her lips and wore rainbow tiaras for hair clips.  "Weren't you the one, once so happy and bright? Did the dark side of the moon steal your sunlight?" "I'm San, Neptune's beloved child Who naively glided through a wonderland mild With a flawed cast-iron heart shield, merrily wild." Snow-bird cooed, "What did transpire, dear? Are you in some icky quagmire?" "My life's a cryptic screenplay I'm a dilapidated puzzle, jigsaw pieces all in disarray. 'Twas supposed to be my wedding day. He never did show up on time, When the bells at 8.30 did chime." To the snow-bird, it was easy to discern, That a chirpy


#Day 26 # ArtoonsInnPoetryParlour #NaPoWriMo2022  Prompt #Dolce far niente---pleasant idleness/the pleasure of doing nothing.             EVERYTHING'S FAIR IN LOVE Everything's fair in love...self-love, self-care While I steal some moments at dawn, at the rosy-hues I stare. I grab a chunk of time to write a poem and lay my heart bare Holding my favourite read and sipping a brew from a prized chinaware Or relishing butterscotch with a spoon silverware Oh! it's for a special occasion, I'm well aware Am I not unique too, exclusive and rare? My self-care isn't selfish, self-centred, nor should it be your nightmare I rejuvenate my mind, body, soul, it's my welfare So in turn my optimal happiness with you I can share Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


# Day 26 #SoulCraft Poetry # NaPoWriMo 2022  Prompt # Use all five words ( Marigold, canvas, breeze, tiptoe, choice)                           HONEYED STALKS Slender, svelte she poises, tangerine hued marigolds stretching in the fragranced breeze and the crisp morning sun Golden dream of honeyed petals brimming with honey, Inviting buzzing bees one too many! Facing the sun, the shadows behind her Oblivious to dark shapes, they don't matter! Blooming brightly radiating bonny character She grounds herself out of strong will power and choice, her sways don't falter Three cheers for these aureated flowers Standing majestically as tall towers! Deep roots they grow, drink from the rain-washed mud They're the bounty of every meadow bloom or bud Muses of canvas paint, easel  I stand on tiptoes to give a her a sky of blue pastel… Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


# Day 25 #Soulcraftpoetry #NaPoWriMo2022 #Poetry Heals                       AT MY PACE Those wrinkled hands, they spoke volumes You patted my back, caressed my head Applauded for me and also held my hand tight You were my pillar of strength and my rock, a gemstone lustrous bright. In your eyes I saw the sun, moon and all the stars You were my universe and my world In your embrace I felt nurtured and loved Could I ask for more when you could read my mind… We were oceans apart waiting to reunite Hoped that my holidays this year would be jolly and merry I reminisce the good times we had together Beneath cerulean skies with laughter and cheer How can I celebrate in solitude? I need lots of will power and fortitude. The table is set with rich plum cake Seven course dinner and eggnog shake Our Christmas tree sparkles with lights and a golden star But you're in the blue beyond, so far… Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


 #Day 24 #ArtoonsinnPoetryParlour #NaPoWriMo2022 #Jugaad                         JUGHEAD Jugaad jugaad jugaad This is a word so common and widespread But I'm really at a wits end to write a poem on this instead I've mastered the art of baking cake and bread I don't know what'll I do if I don't find an ingredient… Makeup jugaad is the best…bored of the same foundation and blusher? Use your favourite shade of lipstick and blend in  A new trend I sometimes usher… Glues drive away my blues Chipped nails before a major occasion Called in for desperate measures of adhesion Paint it over with a fresh coat, add glitters in place to conceal the scission Oh jugaad in my hurried read I'd read you first as Jughead My favourite character from Archie's and friends Is there any way to bring back the good old childhood days which among all transcends? Pic Courtesy:Pixabay  ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


#Day 24 #Soulcraftpoetry #NaPoWriMo Prompt #Riddle poem I  was five, she was perhaps much younger When the day ended, I wanted to play with her a bit longer I with my jet black hair and pretty dresses She with rosy cheeks and shiny blonde tresses I said amma She said mama Although we didn't look similar, I couldn't do without her I grew up, she didn't… Memories of her are still vivid, they'll never be faint I miss her, I truly do… I wish she told me, "Sangeetha, I miss you too…" ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu