Genre: Historical Fiction/ Children's Literature. Sara Crewe wins the hearts of readers with her resilience and stoic demeanor even in the face of adversity. Born and brought up with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth, she knows no wants and needs courtesy her extremely doting father Captain Ralph Crewe who more than makes up for the absence of maternal love in Sara’s life. She lives enveloped by luxury in India and at seven years of age has to leave for London as the hot and humid climate turns out to be not so favourable for her. Sara’s stay at the Select Seminary run by the stern proprietress Miss Minchin is frought with many ups and downs as life throws many curve balls at poor Sara. A gifted, intelligent girl beyond her years, Sara becomes the cynosure of admiration and the envy that comes along with it in equal measures. Sara is also the pupil of honour as her opulent father has loaded her wardrobe with silks, velvets, muffs, furs, hats and shoes and along ...
Sanguine Allegory is a cache of fables, fairy tales, and fantasy. With a weave of words on a dreamy tapestry, there are nostalgic memoirs, stories of lands faraway and also poetry.