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Showing posts from October 30, 2022


                               POINT OF VIEW  Here we are on a viewing deck with my parents engrossed in clicking pictures of the trees below from this height. I don't know what's so exciting about this outing when we could have gone to the beach or a theme park. It's no fun and I'm simply sitting here looking at their animated faces. I'd give anything to go to the seaside and play with frisbees, make sandcastles or simply take a dive in the incoming waves. That would be fun!  What a colourless place this is. I had no  choice but to tag along. And there's another bored looking kid sitting beside me. Should I try to strike a friendship? He seems to have a pleasant face.  No! What if my parents bear down on me for talking to strangers! Nothing would be more insulting to me or that poor kid for no fault of his. I better mind my own business.  I can't wait to go back home and play with Laila. Poor hamster must be feeling so lonely without anybody at home. I won


                                                    MARINE CHRONICLES  The sun-warmed beach with its rising gold and ocean brine  Is a treasure trove of shiny pebbles, sea shells and creatures marine The soft songs of the waves and whooshing breeze, The sunset on the horizon is the colour  of my twilight dreams Like a diva and a star she comes gliding and dancing along A remnant of an Armada or a victorious mast of a Galleon A story it yearns to tell me of withered youth and lost love forlorn Bleached and blanched paler than the sand, almost a grubby brown Of all the kingdoms it had conquered and reigned over a flourishing town Baked and softened to a million hues of beige and sepia I turn it over in my hand, this driftwood is full of history, travels and nostalgia A work of art, a sculpture shaped by the eddies and tides of the sea The grooves and the smooth surface are a masterpiece which i want to take along with me It sits on my mantle piece reclined like an emperor on his throne


                     WEEKEND WARS Finally! TGIF and tomorrow's the long awaited weekend!" "Shall we plan an outing,Raj? It's been a while since we took a break…" "Anu, not this weekend please! It's the Cricket finals and no way am I going to miss it! Not for the world!" "Yes and why not! Lounge on the couch all day and watch your sports channel while I slave away!", she fumed. Raj had a shocked look written all over his face. "Now that's a bit harsh! Aren't you being sarcastic." "Sarcastic? Chores double up on weekends, and I'm the only one bustling about."  " Anu,tell me upfront what you want from me. Beating around the bush is not helping! "If you want me to spell it out for you then you could help out ferrying our son to and from tuition classes and swimming lessons" Seriously?! Was he so unaware of the goings-on!  "My entire weekend is gobbled up until I lose myself!" "I get

LITTLE BO ( NaNoWriMo Day 2 HWR)

                                      LITTLE BO "Yoo-hoo! Here boy! Bo! Where did you disappear to now, you lil furry brat!" "Do you think he's fine, Ethan? I'm not having a good feeling about this. Usually he comes bounding up to us as soon as we call him." "Can you not panic, Jezel? I'm sure he's alright. Must have chased a wild hare deep into the forest and may be out of hearing. C'mon, let's keep calling out to him." As Jezel and Ethan wade through thickets and meander through the trees, they keep whistling and calling his name but there's no sign or response from Bo.  It's close to sundown and the light is fast fading but they can't just leave without Bo. "We should hurry back now, Ethan. We can return in the morning for Bo." "Are you out of your mind? Leave without Bo? BO! " "Did you call for me? Here I am! Tell me…" Jezel and Ethan are taken aback as they hear an unfamiliar voice ring


                     HOWDY OCTOBER  In an orchestra and symphony of leaves fluttering,fireplaces crackling, hope flickering in the honeyed realms, I waltz into the enchanting horizons and jewel-toned wilderness Behold! Autumn limbers in with the grace of a soft serenade  As a grand finale showstopper in an auburn parade In all her bridal finery of shimmering carnelian, carmine, coral and gold  She's a splendour of vibrant hues and glory untold  The October wind whispers her song, mellow lullabies straining and long  Heartbroken trees, stand tall and bare Shedding rainbow tears dissolving into the sable quilt of mulch ochre. Guitar-strumming with you around bonfires under starry skies With a banquet of plum wine, cranberry jams and spiced pumpkin pies  Fragrance of cinnamon, citrus and frankincense floats like a dream While we sip mulled apple cider or hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream Russet, caramel, tawny and decadent mocha brown— against a warm cherry glow of the wintr


Theme: When I Wish Upon A Star                    GLITTER IN THE SKY  On a midwinter night among a chorus of stars serenading the moon A scorch of enchanting ethereal silver  Blazed brilliantly across the indigo in a dash of glitter "Make a wish" my heart did whisper and so I with my fragile courage did muster I wished upon a star and asked for a wand so powerful to turn back time  To send you back to me, my heart pleadingly did chime. Or a crystal ball so magical, to find you and seek you…never let you go To cast a spell and make all my dreams come true or stay there forever with you. I wish I could hear you one more time as you say  "Let me tie up your hair, you won't feel hot on a summer day…" I yearn for your love, your stories, your lullabies…everyday Have warm milk in a full glass to help you sleep better Do they have postmen there to deliver my letter? Fly to Neverland with you, perhaps meet Tinkerbell and Peter Pan  To steal you from the angels 'caus