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Showing posts from July 17, 2022


BEYOND THE BOX TWO 2 TANGO TEAM # 25.  A collaborative writing with Mithila Peshwe. POV: Toby, the stalker – Mithila Peshwe Brandon Reid, the husband – Sangeetha Kamath  PROMPT: WRITE A STORY IN 800 WORDS IN TWO POV's ABOUT A VIDEO CLIP THAT GOES VIRAL.                                  FATAL ATTRACTION  BRANDON REID Darned nuisance! It wasn't enough that the media had a field day for weeks and months hounding me, trespassing my premises, now a loon is out to make life hell for me.  I was still reeling under the tragic death of my wife, Bianca while holidaying at a resort and this case, media attention was adding to my list of woes.   Bianca’s bird-brained craze of vlogging had gotten us into this mess. Her ‘last’ vlog not only captured the scenic backdrop but also her dying moments - thrashing about underwater and finally succumbing to her death. What a furore that 'Live' had caused. Millions of hits within a day. Now there's this joker called Toby, some stalker I’m


                                                 FIRE AND ICE  I arrived hesitantly in the unfamiliar town. It spoke of pristine, deep valleys, crystal clear lakes and lush forests. Quite idyllic. I was en route by a cab to the chalet which was booked for residency.  Writers' Retreat for a week in the scenic hamlet of Arkala. Limited to 10 pax only,   the pinned post in the Facebook writing group had said.  Everyone was excited as we were all good friends online, but we were meeting each other for the first time. The chat in the forum was abuzz! This was the maiden event initiated after a poll. Ten writers had signed up in a jiffy and to everyone's utmost damper… so had Julian! Julian, the jerk as everyone called him as an inside joke.  He made no bones about how much he hated everyone's story or find trivial nitpicks in them. I was always his favourite punching bag with his snide comments on my stories. I was a newcomer and after a couple of episodes of a clash of words wi


                                  BEAR WITH IT! PROMPT---NAME PLACE ANIMAL THING  Name: Mafia Place: Dilapidated Mansion Animal: Bear Thing : Rusty Key GENRE: MAGIC REALISM/ FANTASY I woke up groggy and disoriented.  Where was I?  The floor was covered in dust, and surrounding me were walls of rotting wood, but at least the roof was intact. A bolt of thunder had jolted me wide awake. I walked up to a window and wiped the grime off to look outside. The rain was coming down in cascades and visibility was zero.  How did I come here? Who brought me here? Boy! Was I famished! How long was I out? I need to find something to eat and also some light. It's so dim here.  I tried to look around for a switch but there were none! Just as I hobbled around blindly, I walked into a cord dangling from the ceiling– Ah! The light cord! The house was bare except for a plush armchair and a bookcase. There was a lone grimoire on one of the shelves. But first, food! I expected the kitchen to b


                    HOWDY REVERDIE! Million hues of green knock on the doors of wintertide Ballads of birdsongs bid dulcet goodbyes to the snow queen  With promises of sweet summer rain and floral infused breeze She's here to stay with lush verdant canopies and bouquets In all eagerness she throws away her snowy duvet Stepping out on tiptoes from the rime spangled bassinet Rested deeply and invigorated by nascent spilling shy sunrays Primrose hues replace the whites and dove grays Spurts of tender green on branches gnarled and once bare Chirping birds celebrate spring with chorus of songs rare Girls are once again in pretty summer frocks  Carefully stashed away are plaid jackets, boots and woollen socks The spring air has a plethora of fragrance Blooms and berries are in abundance Aroma of baking wafts in a medley Vanilla in cakes, cookies and fruit tarts aplenty Frozen brooks and streams dance in grandeur  Flowing and bubbling again making music with mighty ardour Swards of grass