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Showing posts from August 20, 2023


                         TOOTH FAIRY Sparkly bright, teeth so white The tooth fairy will come to collect you tonight The night is clear and I'm waiting for you to appear To give me a new tooth in return for my old one so dear Tooth fairy , come and wave your magic wand Around my pillow sprinkle pixie dust so fond My wobbly tooth is a gift for you Give me a shiny one pearly and new. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath  Pic Courtesy:Pixabay 


                            HEIRLOOM  A writer lives a million dreams With their blue-black inked fingers, scripts about the trees, the autumn breeze and the winter's chilling freeze They're artists, they're poets and lyricists Drawing worlds of fantasy, they also give voice to reality daring it The moss covered woodland ground or the ivory sky laden with a metallic cloud Nature to them is a song and to every emotion they belong Donning many hats and in the shoes of their character Their pens scorch a trail when the words tumble down on paper Painting a masterpiece so right with colours using only black and white While the sun dips and the stars twinkle, Yet they write by light of the moon Treasuring their manuscripts like a priceless heirloom. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy:Pixabay


                              SHADOWS I feel, oh yes I do!  Indifference is what I feel for you Oh no! The opposite of love is not hate Indifference is the apt word, you heard that right Without a second thought, without a second glance I decided right then and there you didn't deserve a second chance! Self respect is a priority,  Head held high, today I walk with dignity Some may call it pride, some may label it my arrogance I wear it like my second skin, I call it indifference My heart doesn't melt, neither does it skip a beat I don't stand at crossroads, don't wait for me to grovel at your feet Strangers we are today in a crowd of people If I knew you once, I've deleted you from my memory without a scruple In the light we're only dark shadows A mirage in the hot deserts where rivers don't flow Unwrapping you from every photograph laminated Discarding every page and sheet which had my life cluttered Losing my untoward baggage along the way Walking light an


                  STANZAS AND VERSES Imagination is poetry in verses, stanzas in the songs When we'd like to think to the stars the moon belongs A fireball of tangerine we call the sun Sprinkle of diamond dust, the stars dipping in the horizon The shadows long and deep  Look like monsters on the floor about to crawl and creep Fireflies are glittering crowns of angels from the realm celestial  Butterflies and dragonflies on gossamer wings faeries in disguise mystical The ocean depths hide a jewel studded place for mermaids and dophins The coral reefs their garden in the shimmering aquamarine  Sonnets and Haikus are laden with imagination Abstract thoughts are written in free verse with rhyme and reason Moonlight and music are like magic spells Imagination runs riot when I seek a tiny fairy hidden in buttercups or the opulent bluebells Raindrops become rhythmic and the sunshine therapeutic Colors and hues of the sunset look mesmerizing, they're oceans in the sky ©️ Sangeetha Kam


  GAUZY SHIMMER  The night was restless, silent and too long Excitedly waiting for a new dawn to arrive with her chirpy song Shedding the sable cloak off her shoulders Darkness rolls from the arms of the moon alabaster  Brave is the sky when the moon disappears  Vanishing from sight, the twinkling stars too coyly obscures Wriggling like a newborn from a fleece blanket The rays washes the frills of clouds in crimson and scarlet Gauzy shimmer appears on the horizon And I see a sliver of crest of the rising sun Gliding across the sky lazily, the tangerine fireball shimmers brightly Rising over treetops and bathing the rooftops nascently The air is perfumed as buds and blooms joyously unfurl The mild gusts of breeze ruffles the waves of my tousled curls The apricot sky breaks into splashes of colors, ribbons and streaks I watch the new day waltz in to paint all my dreams. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy: Pixabay 


                                        OUT OF THE WOODS  A getaway in the cabin in the woods was a good idea as we needed this break. It was a little after midnight when we sat up, alarmed at a loud clanging outside.  Byron looked out, but could see nothing. Another clang! Byron stepped out inspite of my repeated urging not to. Flicking on the table lamp yielded no results. Damn the power cut at the right time!  He returned in a bit and reassured me. "Just some woodland scavenger looking for food scraps. You know how the silence of the woods are at night. The slightest noise gets amplified". Relieved, I settled myself under the covers.  I almost jumped out of my skin when I saw a silhouette of a man against the windowpane. Panicking wildly, I grabbed Byron.  The tapping on the window made my blood run cold and I couldn't hold back a scream. The shadowed face loomed large!  "Verona! Open the door for God sake! I've locked myself out!" Right then, I saw a ser


                       ROCK AND PILLAR  I may be falling apart in a hundred different ways But it's a promise I make to myself, to wake up with a smile on my face The mirror shows me that I'm happy And it's a staggering transformation in a jiffy My world may be in shambles, my rock and pillar in ruins Head held high, I stride briskly, with my mettle and gaiety as my steadfast jewels The promises that we make, the words that lay in our wake It's a resolution to bring discipline into my routine for my own sake To shine wherever I go, whether brightly or like a mellow glow If not the dazzling sun, I must sparkle softly like the distant star than nothing or none Recalling my ten year old self that I would rise again after scraping a knee, Bruises and falls didn't stop me then from scaling a wall or a low tree The dark clouds will on some days surely my fortitude blot I promise myself that I will try one more time, never say that I cannot Seeking pale blushes of peach if


                                            BY THE MOORS Mundane musings on Monday mornings Sitting in a meadow of wildflowers surrounded by magnificent mountains Mellifluous birds coo and call  Their melodious music is soothing and magical The skies above me are tinted mauve, magenta and cerulean  Mesmerizing is this multicolored empyrean  A masterpiece of streaks and strokes on a celestine palette Stars peek out in the marvellous moonlight On this midsummer evening munching marshmallows with marmalade I forget my misfortunes and miseries and every masquerade Mahogany hues take over the gloaming stupendous These moments rejuvenated me in a manner miraculous. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath  Pic Courtesy: Pixabay 


                    JAR OF MOONBEAMS  Standing at the crossroads I look to my left and then to my right It's here where the magic happens and my wand sparkles bright It's a bend in the road in the middle of a thicket Surrounded by tall trees and rolling fog which dims the gloaming and indigo twilight  Under the twinkling velvet sky I watch and wait To collect moonbeams in a jar and stardust on a golden plate Path beyond the crossroads show me the bigger picture Patience is the key for dilemma at this juncture There ain't no road signs nor any map I have to chart my own course and work through these gaps It's a one way street, there's no rewind on the track The road to my past is a closed chapter there's no looking back Untrodden paths may hold a fortune great  My luck might turn for the better, go forth I must with a confident gait Destination is a reward for the arduous journey Crossroads are only a pit stop to shed my worry Rejuvenating after a spell of intro


                      UNDER THE STARS  Sweet blessing away from city lights and noisy crowds Gliding lazily above me with only cotton candy citrine clouds Far as the eye can see green fields stretching for miles The only music is the chirping and cooing of songbirds all the while Dipping my feet in a bubbling brook and Forgetting myself and living in the moment Inhaling the fragrant pine scented air Feeling the mountain breeze in my tousled hair Spending my time unseen, unknown away from attention Longing for these days to come to fruition In my own lil world where I'm at peace To set my heart free from it's winter's freeze Silence is a beauty where I come together Solitude is my companion whom I forever treasure Solitude is a place where I put my emotions to rest Content I am to sleep soundly under the stars, quite blessed! ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy: Pixabay 


                     A ROAD PASSING THROUGH  The town was old and familiar A footpath---muddy, bare of asphalt leading to the woods around the corner  Hovels were at a dead end here Peddlers stretched themselves for a sweet rest after selling their wares Quiet and shady was the bumpy ground Away from all the noise and every jarring sound Lying here, face upturned, blue cloudless skies embraced the world Dreamily, unaware of what was to come The little town carried on until they heard an unusual thrum Planes whizzed by, in dozens they counted Some sat frozen and some made for the woods as panic mounted Running helter-skelter to the screeches shrill Their blood ran cold as trees were torn down and in half they split Townsfolk didn't stand a chance, homes were wiped and everything looked disheveled  The bumpy footpath was strewn with corpses and finally stood levelled. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy: Pixabay 


                      COLOUR ME RED  Maybelline, L'oreal and Revlon Watched me from behind a glass door quite forlorn It was the lockdown season To wear them I hadn't a tiny reason Cooped up at home indefinitely I too would gaze back at them dejectedly My pals and buddies who lent me their colour Will I ever get to use them again, I would wonder Sangria was called Grape Ruby Crimson, the Dragon's Fury Scarlet was my life--- Cola Cherry Burgundy was Plum Merry! Looking at the golden and silver tubes studded  In their glass cages they stood quite abandoned  Reds and Pinks regaling in every flavour of berry They'd made me look so lively and pretty. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy:Pixabay 


                            MEMENTO She was partially blind and was waiting eagerly at the railway platform quite a distance away. His family had come to see him off as he was leaving town for his dream job in the big city.  She had brought along a parting gift for him and it was going to be an unforgettable memento! He came to the door for a final wave to his family standing at quite some distance from her. As the train trudged passed her before gaining speed, his eyes widened with a fleeting recognition. Wasting no time, she took the can of Fluoroantimonic Acid from her handbag and sprayed it right into his eyes! He had used a cheap, indigenous one on her some months back, leaving her writhing in pain. She had completely lost sight in one of her eyes and one side of her face was scarred and shrivelled, resembling a raisin.  Today, she'd made sure that he definitely wouldn't get a second glance. A second chance. The ear splitting screams could be heard as the train rattled on


BROWNIES  I had always wished that my eyes were the blue of the river Or the deep violet of the pretty flower Why weren't they a sparkling green colour  With gold specks glinting in the sunshine of summer Making me look intelligent and clever? No, it's not even sable or black like onyx gems  Piercing and stunning you with a glance Instead they were a brown… Not a honey, chestnut or hazel in which you could drown It wouldn't remind you of decadent chocolates or a garnet crown Of the rain drenched mud they were a mahogany  You couldn't find moonbeams dancing in them to an autumn symphony A shimmering crystal ball sure it ain't  But in them I hold a gift and many a talent Unusual they are, that I assure They can see through your soul and read the future. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Pic Courtesy:Pixabay 


                                        ARENA  Freedom is an eagle and albatross with wings wide, soaring in the sky Or the geese and swallows spanning continents and migrating all the while Freedom is the wild wind unleashing it's fury as a typhoon, a hurricane  Not one to be shackled, paving its way leaving disaster in its wake Freedom is molten lava gurgling and flowing A volcano spurting amber liquid fire–burning, bubbling, petrifying, exploding  Stifled..smothered…controlled!--freedom is my wish to escape into the middle of nowhere,  Surrounded by ice-capped mountains and gushing waterfalls cascading away  Waking up to bird songs and warm sunshine on my face Going for walks along untrodden paths and discover new trails  Drenching in a mizzle and spotting a shimmering rainbow, Cuddling woodland rabbits, fawns and the lambs scampering about in the meadow Gathering lilacs, forsythia and foxglove A medley of wildflowers and honeyed clusters of buttercups and yarrow Listening to ho


    BY THE LANTERN LIGHT In the fury of a storm or in a rich hum golden In every floral parade of spring and midwinter frozen, I want to believe in myself and be thankful for the blessings  To dance in the rain, play in the snow and look for the silver linings Saccharine colloquy were a masquerade, just a fancy and frill Standing rooted to the spot as time came to a ticking standstill  Twists and turns, labyrinths of curves and bends Some bridges were never to be crossed again, some lanes led to a dead end People were rivers, ever flowing, moving with the tide Some lush meadows were now only a barren countryside  Country roads and city streets take me home today to that house down the lane with bright lights dispelling the gray  Where joyful squeals were abound and feast halls were crowded  With pixie dust every nook and cranny was generously showered The walls that still speak of the dreams untold, tiny and tremendous The halls that resound with echoes of tinkling laughter and days fr


                                        TWIN STARS Like the night holds the moon in it's cradle of heather Embrace me in your warmth to feel my heart flutter You're my soothing winter's coat on a frigid windy day A sunshine to my soul which makes my sadness melt away With my weary head on your shoulders, from the blue depths I can swim  No baggage is heavy, across any fire I can confidently skim Through the ups and downs, highs and lows We're twin satellites of the same stardust, I'll have you know  In the dim flicker of a lantern light, pixie dust shimmers and shines The moon watches over us from above the treetops of fir and pine When wounds heal and scars fade away The ashen clouds part to show us rainbow tiaras on display. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath  Pic Courtesy: Pixabay