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Showing posts from April 9, 2023


[Flowers, Jewellery, Sunshine,Tea,Candles,Stone,Water,Shoes, Song, Birds] use all or any of these words to write a poetry.                               HYGGE Dead flowers and withered petals tell a story long forgotten They had once bloomed majestically in the toasting sunshine in all their revelry Moulding us, the lessons learnt were necessary Cherishing each experience and preserving them as potpourri I light aromatherapy candles of rosemary and lavender Indulging in supreme hygge while I sip tea steeped in chamomile and ginger Leaving no stone unturned for self-love and self-care Walking away from drama in my blue suede shoes and high heeled boots,  The only sounds you'll hear are staccato clickety-clacks, I give two hoots! Flitting like a songbird from bud to flower A magpie I am collecting shimmer and shine for my sanctuary and bower It's water under the bridge as I let people and places fade away willingly  Wading through fire wearing my tiara and gem-crusted jewellery


                                SNUG Dewdrops on bluebells and butterflies on roses Soaking in the first rays of sunlight in healthy doses Mornings with a mug of freshly brewed coffee  And late afternoons with a book in hand and cups of chamomile tea With chocolate chip cookies and slices of cheesecake The little joys of life which in my kitchen I bake Stretching and dancing to feel alive Sometimes a Zumba, a jig, a salsa or jive Read and writing is my foremost go to Mysteries and intrigue to discover a hidden clue Moon drenched skies and starry nights Dinner and soothing music with a candlelight  Long walks and deep talks with pals and gals Wandering through the malls, nature trails or open air stalls Picnics and camping in the heart of nature Cozy moments are like these which I always treasure. Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                         MONARCHY OF REVERIE In a garden of bowers, fountains and wisteria arbors  A hopeless dreamer I was under an onyx sky of a million tiny twinkling stars Like a nymph under a melon moon glow, wearing an orchid wreath in my hair  Pirouetting in tulle gowns sequinned with hydrangea  My love songs were the rock and the jazz Twirling with you under jasper skies in a fluid waltz Amid rustling leaves and songs of nightingales and wrens Petals of Sakura danced in the fragrant glens Like the birds that sing and gently flowing streams  I cruised the wide world and the choppy seven seas Traveling by the starlight, you shone on my path On journeys through mazes and vexing labyrinth vast You're my map, my compass leading to home and hearth... A safehouse and my oasis in deserts scorched  A monarch and majesty of your love was the endless yearning, a distant reunion… As that of the sea and sky on the blurry horizon… The gates of Shangri-La were finally thrown open  Cosmic


                             GAIA The festival of harvest from the fields and farms Bounty of green-gold swaying in swarms  Gratitude and Thanksgiving for the crops and food Also for the farmers who under a baking sun relentlessly stood Wisps of aroma and strains of songs It's a feast to be savoured of the fruits all year long Earthy flavours and fetes under starry black nights It's a celebration of seasons in a hearty blaze  Jubilations abound whilst rooted in our soil We hail our farmers who come rain or shine selflessly toil.  Pic Courtesy: Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath


              STAR -SPANGLED TIARAS Of Septembers and April summers When the world around me was a jamboree of meteor showers With sparkling eyes and dazzling smiles We're the jigsaw pieces of the same star clusters  There was something so delicate about that time When the woods were bathed in ivory moonshine Brooks babbled in the meadows And birds warbled in the trees Lavenders bloomed fragrant in the purple heath Bluebells cast a spell upon the distant hills Wisteria in the valleys were sweetly perfumed In the glens and dwelling places of elves and pixies  Downstream, the banks of rivers were lustrous with orange rays Snowdrops and daffodils danced under the cypress Dark clouds rolled drenching the deep greens and all the flowers With the drunken dance of the moon and the arias of the intoxicated colours Pearly heavens were scribbled with vibrant tiaras In the wilderness of the moors I followed the end of the rainbow My heart danced and my dreams were star spangled When I found y


                    INSOMNIAC MOON Insomnia burgeoning against a crescendo of moon washed sky Winter melts, drips on jagged mountains Scintilla of a wandering star I am As it fades into the empyreal chasm Constellations eternally mocking the love  Wishing star Oh! Dying star,  You don't build dreams on tombs of the hallowed Pieces of me are shards strewn like verses of songs Incomplete and out of tune Screeching and blaring, the echoes are haunting  Crocheted into my skin is a searing reminder  Of the berserk flashes of an exquisite montage A lone satellite in a nomadic orbit It's a tight rope amidst deafening delirium With smouldering strands and bleeding ink I mourn this void and masquerade Kryptonic ! Pic Courtesy:Pixabay  ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                         PAGEANTRY OF CUES  She fashions wreaths from strands of moonbeams  Mirages embroidered on tapestries and exotic reams Dragonflies to her are sprites with diaphanous wings Pebbles and seashells to you, they're charms to her and magical things  !  Stars to you, diamonds to her;  She calls them wands viridescent that which you call a tree The shivery willow trees are ballerinas poised in the moonlight argentine Fireflies are fairies sprinkling pixie dust on damask roses and jessamine The moon to her is a burgeoning opal rose against the canvas of violet The sun, a golden orb tempering at dusk to a crimson and scarlet The summer breeze puffs the sails on her ships of veracity cruising away to glory Her allegory is swathed with gossamer veils, quite extraordinary ! Drenching her dreams in the eventide hues of an elusive wonderland  Her lyrics are a panacea to storm-battered souls On a quest for long lost fables and the mythical lores Her quills are tridents scor


                       ZENIFICATION  Generous thought, speech and mind Compassionate heart, tolerant and kind Go within myself my inner peace to find Overthinking will sap my zest in an overwhelming grind Let niggling thoughts come and go Like clouds let it pass and as a river gently flow Let it not take root and make a steady home Let it fly away as bird would merrily wander and roam Seek the inner light, tranquility and calm Answers will be revealed like a soothing balm In silence you'll meet yourself The divine light was a mellow glow within, always ! Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


                        A MURAL OF VERDURE I swing and sway in my gown of green There are many like me in the season of spring oh so serene. Hi there! I'm a new-born leaf, chartreuse and lush…  The tree is my mother; olive, lime, mint and smaragdine — my color of blush! A merry breeze comes whispering along We swish and rustle, it's our only happy song. Creating our orchestra and music, We proudly call ourselves 'The Zephyr and the Acoustic' Below our tree is a lawn of shamrock carpet Bursting with four-leaf clovers, a velvet carpet! Our green is cooling, our green is a  soothing shade Warbling birds, flitting butterflies and buzzing bees rest under our canopy of jade. How the seasons quickly change and the birds in our tree have all flown! Their nests are empty; the brood long gone… The air is crisper, the wind is frigid Autumn's coming; I'm so still and insipid. A colorful dream has replaced our green Our gowns are now magically a blazing red, yellow or tanger


                          BLUE BEYOND  Somewhere over the rainbow are dreams lost to times between… The promises we made, the love that we shared,  Sparkle bright in the argentine yonder sacred Galaxies swirl with hopes renewed, constellations born for me alone! A thousand suns marvel at the celestine boons In all benevolence glows the incandescence of umpteen nameless moons Stars dazzling on archway splendid, drench me with healing rays I was returning after eons, thousands of days… The rainbows here are of a myriad hues, Seven colours are only earthly dues Music untold contains the ether,  The twang of the harps lures me in further Radiant beings with halos and spanning feathery wings,  Stand majestically to usher me in! The pearly gates swing wide open,  Standing inside are my long lost dears The skies above me are an aureate sheen, Sometimes lilac, lavender, mauve or even pastel green My home is a gold-domed castle with citadel and towers In a bountiful garden resplendent with fou


                 LOOK INTO MY EYES ! The unruffled shimmer in his amber eyes Spoke a thousand words, sang melodies of distant lands When the sky was a delightful cyan And winter wonderlands were sheathed in crystal and ice Of a colour deeper than champagne  Fireflies danced in them in the argent moonshine  Waltzing away from honey to melting chocolate To sink in them was her hopeless fate Holding specks of golden sunbeams  They fixed her in a trance and enchanting dreams Drawing her in with colors rich and bold Hypnotic, as radiant as gold! Today her frayed tassels of chambray thresh in the wind Burrowing in veils of forsaken glades of muted tint The mists engulf her, a curse upon her naiveté  Drumming crescendos of thunder as her illusions plummet Swept away by churning currents  Foolhardy heart was impaled with honed bayonets The clouds are dizzy humming a ditty Orion bleeds tears for the faithful beauty Flaxen verses sing her name Whilst hayfields are buried under drifting snow; &#


                             ESCAPE THE GRIND  Unbroken stream of thoughts course through From it's iron grip I must cut loose Haunting voices jolt me in the middle of the night It's my turbulent mind at unease and always in fright Rugged roads ahead are daunting Rumbustious I can no longer be, time is ravaging  Plethora of awards I seek Pinnacle of success I must reach Painstaking schedules all week Practice visualisation, they preach Lollygagging is put on hold Lugubrious are days leading to June Labouring hard to strike gold Laurels await, then I'll dance to my tune. The odds and ends I must brave These are life lessons from cradle to grave The ladder of life battles gusty storms and shifting sands Wavering on buoyant tides and on undulating lands Through seasons sizzling and frigid winds baying Grappling on steep slopes weary feet trudging With grit and aim we dare the highs and lows Life doesn't come in pretty packages tied with satin bows Rung after rung are slipp


                                    DEAREST MYSELF Dearest Myself I tell myself As you go along in life, be soft and compassionate  Speak ambrose out of habit, but also be a firebrand assertive and obstinate Spew bursts of volatile flames like a dragon If trod upon, flatten 'em with artillery from your cannon! Be the rose among the bramble bush  Also the bramble that protects the rose.  Sprinkle mists of respite in the tranquility of twilight hush A goblet of honeyed sunshine, my daily dose When life judges you, remember— You are allowed to fail without being tagged a failure! You are entitled to have your fears without being called a coward by any norms It's okay to collapse, crash and crumble but it's not okay to lay down your arms!  Bounce back on your feet! Soldier onward! Draw your courage like a sword,  Envelop your faith like an iron shield  Wear your confidence like an armour Rise ! Face the sun, catch a sunbeam in your palms, The sunlight in your face…  Cause a tin