An acrostic on 'When My Heart Is Full W- Whimsical lands beckon me in daydreams, they make me forget my worries and cares H-Harmonious melodies I listen to of bygone days, the old gold eras E- Everlasting memories flow when poetries I ink N-Night sky speckled with stars look as if diamonds at me wink! M-Myriad moments of childhood rush in Y- Yesteryears seem like a long-forgotten dream H-Heartstrings are tugged when deja-vu overwhelms E-Evenings in solitude are full of nostalgic realms A- Azure cloudless empyrean and the cotton candy clouds were made for me and you R- Raindrops pattering are a steady rhythm to my heartbeat T-Twilight ushers in amaranthine hues, to my tired eyes, it's a welcome treat I- Incandescence of the pearly full moon has me in a trance S- Scintilla of the crescent , the heavenly smile makes me want to dance. F-Floral parades are my garden in bloom, like a fantasy land they are, roses, pansies and chrysanthemum U-Uto...
Sanguine Allegory is a cache of fables, fairy tales, and fantasy. With a weave of words on a dreamy tapestry, there are nostalgic memoirs, stories of lands faraway and also poetry.