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Showing posts from February 27, 2022


  #ALSSpiritcontest -103 Theme: Bygone days ONCE UPON A TIME Once upon a time, there was a time, When photos were monochrome, sepia, black & white Jade, lime, olive, myriad verdure sheen The trees in your backyard were an idyllic green! The fire in your hearth, a sunset orange-- From amber, to a glimmering tangerine it would change The skies immensely boundless, a blue pristine Cornflower, sapphire, cyan, azurine… You pointed out to me a floating frothy cloud  The eagles gliding with their fanned out wings---majestic, proud! The occasional, lone airplane, a tiny speck above  Glinting like stars, crystal and diamond, to fly I'd love... The twilight sky from our patio--a splendid show  On star-spangled violet domes, plum and blueberry rivers would glow! Under the ivory sequin of the heaven--- Incandescent Mother-of-Pearl, fairytales were woven. Your lullabies— so euphonious, enchanting,  Your story-telling so gripping, riveting. Yes, the photos are Black &a


 If only I could turn back time! Don't we all wish that we could? When I don't rain down words in torrents on my treasured pages, I sketch-- Sketch my memories from the age old photographs in my albums ✨ A picture speaks a thousand words it is said. Though the retro albums hold only black & white pictures, I fill in the colors from my memory. I accentuate a certain sketch with a certain mood that had a remarkable effect on me at a certain point of time.  Decades back, I held a tremendous fascination for the moon. I still do. Crescents and the ones with misty halos in particular kindles the dewy-eyed child in me . Hauling me back to the mystique of a fairytale book. An other-worldly feel 🌙  If I want to bring back the ethereal quality that the picture deserves, I always sketch a pale, hazy moon 🌕 When I don't find the right words for my endless ramblings , I stop trying to push it and let my illustrations do the talking. Of a dream that has only come to a halt in this


 Self-Discovery 30 Day Writing Challenge Day #29 When have you given up on something? ✨ When my peace of mind is a priority, I have given up on advising people who I sense are not worth my time. I can gauge the response or reaction coming back at me from a history we've had in a similar situation. So I just let them be and have them face their own music. ✨ When my Self respect was a priority, I didn't hesitate to close the door behind me as I walked out. It took a rare kind of courage and confidence to hold my head high and leave everything behind me without so much as a backward glance.  Nobody owes me any respect, true.  I owe that to myself! ✨Giving up is akin to quitting. But quitting is not always negative. Quitting is not weakness. Resisting to let go of that which doesn't serve us, is. Holding on for too long only exhausts the soul and spirit. If a certain environment or a connection was not conducive to my well-being, I had no second thoughts about dropping it like


 Slender, svelte she poises, stretching in the fragranced breeze and the crisp morning sun Golden dream of honeyed petals brimming with honey, Inviting buzzing bees one too many! Facing the sun, the shadows behind her Oblivious to dark shapes, they don't matter! Blooming brightly, radiating bonny character She grounds herself, her sways don't falter. Three cheers for these aureated flowers Standing majestically as tall towers! Deep roots they grow, drink from the rain-washed mud They're the bounty of every garden bloom or bud Muses of canvas, paint, easel A sharp contrast to every sky pastel. Lives for a day, eternal! ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu


                      LONGING FOR YOU  She tames her chestnut tresses Billowing wildly in the rain-washed spring air Reminiscing about her amour, She pirouettes like a ballerina with flair. The iris coloured sheen above, with star speckled skies  Mesmerizes her with wonder! Her honeyed eyes await him  While she gazes into the horizon yonder Love seeks her out in the frosty snow crystalline, In the summer dawns of cyan skies, sunsets of canvas tangerine Deep in the autumn hued forests amaranthine, She sings a haunting melody of a distant starshine  And a benevolent moonray opaline. Love knows no king or knave,  Like an ocean tide of a turbulent wave It rises and crashes, everyone it equally engulfs Emotions then pour out in a tapestry of songs, words are woven as poetic motifs. In the nascent sunray of the winter cherry-glow luminesce A lone star twinkles casting a faint halo of radiance Her love transcends the shackles of time and distance It's eternal in it's quintessence. It


                                       ONE IN A MILLION B- Brilliant and dazzling were your eyes once upon a time  E- Enthusiastically you had a spring in your step and a joy in your bounce A- Affectionately you took everyone under your wing, U- Unseen and unknown to us were your weariness, sorrow or grief T- Tables were set from dawn to dusk, without a frown on your face or a crease on your crown! Y- Your radiance shone from a heart full of love, come rain or sunshine from above F-Fingers soft and caring, they untangled my hair R-Reminiscing about you, makes me nostalgic and sad O- Over the rainbow and star-spangled heavens, you are the most beautiful orb of twinkle M- Marvellous were your manners, gentle was your heart; soft were your words, you were a class apart! W-Wizard you were with friends and family, magic you wove with your honesty and integrity! I- Ingenious were your ways in dealing with difficulties, every problem was driven to nullity T- Test of time you could withstand,