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Showing posts from March 31, 2024


  Life is too short and time is too precious  Stop thinking about calories and try out all the cookies and cakes delicious Taking that trip to the Bahamas, Maldives or Hawaii to soak in the sunshine warm and bright Or flying to Alaska to see the dancing, electric Northern Lights Reading those unfinished books or writing a dream story It's always been my desire to learn ballet, salsa and dance away to glory Time is too fast, no replay, no rewind I must capture every jewel of memory and pin it to my heart In the fury of a storm or in a rich hum golden In every floral parade of spring and midwinter frozen I must dazzle like a thousand suns and sparkle like a million moons burning a trailblazer  Before my wind tousled brunette hair turns ashen silver  Be awed by the full moon and gaze at the shimmering stars Live in the moment and bloom like bonny sunflowers  Believe in magic and surround myself with my favorite things Dance in the rain, play in the snow and look for the silver lining


  The floorboards creaked and my footsteps echoed in the vast emptiness. A skylight high above in the ceiling filtered shafts of light. In the dim murkiness I could only see towering silhouettes.  Unrecognizable.  Unidentifiable.  Where was I and how did I come here? Was I in an accident or had I bumped my head, lost my memory and wandered off to this abandoned structure? I only had questions and not a single answer. I felt about in my pockets for my phone. I could do with some brighter light in here. Luck was on my side. I turned on the flashlight and saw a litter of weathered wooden crates, soggy cardboard boxes and newspapers littering the floor.  I picked one up. It dated back to 1892!  What on earth! Was it an abandoned museum? No chance! It looked like a warehouse.  Paint was peeling off the walls.  Where is the door? I need to get out of here! I turned my flashlight all around but found none! No windows either!  What was this strange place. What's going on! It must be a bad


  Food blossomed in my mother's rustic kitchen with its aroma and essence The chambers were enveloped with a mild, snug fragrance Plump, rose-tanned tomatoes swinging from redolent creepers Were handpicked for sipping soup around toasty fireplaces and homespun dinners Garnished with homegrown basil and rosemary Cozy autumns and chilling winters were soothed with this steaming soul curry Lentil stew and Minestrone were a class apart Bringing good cheer around the table warming our hearts Reminiscing the good times we had together With light hearted banter and full throated laughter  The vibrant reds and the glowing golds Were a rainbow on our violet skies and sunshine in a bowl Seasoned with pepper, paprika and cayenne With a spritz of tangy lemon, lime or even a sweet nectarine  About the secret, magic ingredient you never did reveal It was love that you sprinkled and stirred in, all our pain it healed Now, oceans across distanced from you Every minute I crave for that magic potion


  I have no memory of who clicked this picture. I have no memory of even who this man sitting beside me is. Is he a dear friend, a husband…but then why don't I get the feeling that I'm a married woman? There was no wedding band on my finger when I regained my consciousness in a hospital room with strangers around me. He is looking at me now, worry and concern writ large on his face. Fishing out the wedding ring from his pocket, he said it was removed when I was taken into surgery. He has been saying so for the past one week. Should I believe him? If only I could get one hazy fragment of my past, I would. I turn my face and he sighs, slumping on a chair nearby. I return the picture to him apologetically. At the back of my mind, I do know that he must have been an acquaintance but in my current state of mind, I wasn't ready to accept just about anything, anyone told me. **** And then the inevitable has happened. It is  time to go home. 'Nolan' is here to do the needfu


You were my fairy grandmother Like you I will find no other In your arms I found happiness and bliss Why didn't I realize that was your last kiss? You set off on your own Before the sun rose to welcome the dawn When I woke up on that fateful morn Everyone said that you were gone What about the untold story, the incomplete one? Where everyone lived happily ever after under the sun… How will I sleep without your lullaby You went away without a proper goodbye! We had so much to live for, a chapter was closed too soon You're in the dimming daylight, rising twilight, the blossoming moon… When I search for answers in my phases of zenith and nadir I cling to your letters, bangles, memories; they're my only souvenir… Thin is the veil between two realms Is that how you visit me every night in my dreams? ©️ Sangeetha Kamath  Pic Courtesy:Image by 2344799 from Pixabay


“Yoo-hoo! Here boy! Bo! Where did you disappear to now, you lil furry brat!” “Do you think he's fine, Ethan? I'm not having a good feeling about this. Usually he comes bounding up to us as soon as we call him.” “Can you not panic, Jezel? I'm sure he's alright. Must have chased a wild hare deep into the forest and may be out of hearing. C'mon, let's keep calling him.” The woods which usually looked welcoming and enchanting didn't look too inviting at this time of the day, with the trees casting long, sinister shadows and strange sounds echoing through the slow rising mist. Jezel and Ethan couldn't possibly abandon their pet dog in the wilderness and mustering every inch of courage, they wade through the thickets and meander through the clumps of swelling bushes.  Whistling and calling out yielded no sign or response from Bo.  It was past sundown and the light was fast fading,  “We should hurry back. We can return in the morning for Bo, Ethan…I don't


  "Snakes alive! * Cough cough* Where did you appear from, stranger? Creeping up on me like that ! I say, you'll send me to my grave, you will!" "Cor! A talking caterpillar! How wonderful to meet you, Sir! I'm Alice…how do you do? A very balmy morning, eh? The Cheshire Cat brought me here. Quite a mad one if I must say so" "* Puff  ... puff...cough *...What's so good about this morning, anyway? The Queen will roll your head and mine too by sundown!" "Goodness to heavens! Why is that, Sir?" "Good Lord, you've trespassed her garden of exotic herbs, lass…and I failed as the gatekeeper! You don't know the mad Queen…Ahem! Ahem! I mean Her royal highness…you must seek pardon!" "Not if she doesn't know I'm here. Now if you'll let me uproot some of these plants…" " Blasphemy ! Uproot plants of Wonderland? Over my dead body! I'm the Great Garden of the Queen's Guardian…* hick... hick … cough


  Murky ponds of tangled threads and unsolved riddles In which I'm sailing…I'm sinking…I'm overthinking! Hobbling on a rough-hewn terrain I crave for solitude and a pit stop in the madding fast lane In the floating autumn leaves that glide and fall Through the wisping mists from the valleys that roll In the wafting spring and summer wind, in a mad rat race and endless grind A solace and sanctuary seeks my fevered mind  Cancelling the cacophony roaring and raving Succumbing to the depths of stillness within My lull and silence still have a voice  Slowing down to beat of my own drum is my priority and choice. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath  Image by Guren-The-Thirdeye from Pixabay


                                              Once upon a time, on the fringes of a deep, dark forest there was a quaint little hamlet with cobblestone streets and cozy families, where playful squeals and merry laughter were the only noise from every home. It was an undisturbed, serene neighbourhood…until…                          CHAPTER 1          THE MYSTERY OF THE WOODS                           "This summer day is too scorching, Rae dear. Don't forget to wear your hat when you step out." "Yes, mama! Raleigh, I will give all your love to grandmama. Be a good girl and get well soon!" I wanted to go along with Rae to visit grandmama, but I was feeling poorly that day and was bundled up in bed.  "Rae, child, be careful along the way and don't stop for anyone or talk to strangers. Go straight to grandmama's and return home before sunset." Mama's worries were not unfounded. A child could easily get lost in the woods after dark. Rae took the


A million dreams burn and shine like stars serenading the distant moon  As I listen to the haunting songs of larks and the nightingales that croon Swimming beneath the ocean and soaring above the clouds Dancing on a blanket of snow or building my home on a treetop But life is a broken winged bird that always trips and falls even when the red robins and cardinals coo and call A dim spark sets ablaze the fall colors in the night when dreams knock on my door wearing shimmery lights Life plays a tug of war, a toy with my heartstrings, yet the roses smudge bright and good luck they bring Closing my eyes and waving a silver wand Sizzling like a meteor and traveling like the shooting star in the blue beyond. ©️ Sangeetha Kamath


  The waves crashed violently against the craggy mountainside and the moonlight shone on the lacy froths. As I waded through the water and stepped on the wet sand, I remembered another night which was many moons ago. The same glinting lights through the palace doorways and windows, the fireworks adorning the night sky like shooting stars and meteors. A royal celebration with all the works and the guests dressed up in their best finery and aristocratic jewelry. Of noble births they all were. Blue blooded as the matriarch had pointedly told me once.  That unholy night! That night of icy hearts and howling laughter, the echoes of cackling that followed me till I ran on wobbly legs to find my place of comfort where the land met water… Hot tears streaming down, I regretted those days when I lost my heart to a man so spineless. Had I not dragged him to the shore, he would have been a mangled mass after being torn apart by the piranhas and other monstrous maws.  How I regret…Oh! How I regret