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Showing posts from April 7, 2024


                                           This story was my first Historical Fiction for the Short Story Contest 2021 held by Wordweavers. This submission had won me a Second Place on an international platform. THE LAST DROP OF POISON Prologue After what seemed like a dozen nightmares, the train chugged to a grinding halt on the tracks. The passengers swarmed out in a heap and staggered to gain a foothold on the platform. They were suffocating and gasping for fresh air. Ragged, filthy, starving and...very very thirsty!  Winter was upon them. Frosty! The kind of frost that penetrated their coats, boots and gloves. They huddled together, holding their children close and looked around at the sinister surroundings. The thick black smoke belching out of the chimneys of an edifice in the distance smelled so acrid that they could almost taste it. This wasn't the promised land of the east! This was the ultimate betrayal!  This was Auschwitz! The news filtering around was