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Showing posts from May 15, 2022


                            ILLUSION  Colossal planes on the tarmac and an endless wait. I was at gate 33 of the international airport waiting to board a long haul red-eye. And I saw her! In the reflection of the glass walls of the viewing deck—a weary mother, travelling alone, with an infant who was blissfully asleep, cradled in her arms.  She sat slumped. Dressed in flats, a baggy cardigan and comfortable stretch pants, it made for a practical dress sense to travel with a playful toddler. Her limp hair was tied up in a messy bun with strands and wisps escaping from it.  As she was clenching and unclenching her calf muscles and rotating her stiff ankles, I approached the young mother and gently laid my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me in surprise. She had faint black circles from lack of sleep. I took a seat beside her and offered to hold the baby for a while to give her some respite. She looked relieved and smiled at me gratefully. Those travelling with infants may board fir


                   A   HOUSE DOWN THE LANE It was that house down the lane! Though not this one in particular, it ignited a fond, long-ago memory of a similar one.  The reminiscences and nostalgia of that house with lush mango trees, gardens and greenery all around, a home which opened its gates and arms in a wide, warm welcome to anyone, be it a friend or foe. Even in the throes of her ruination, she made a grand exit and bid a tearful goodbye to us. In all benevolence, the moon had seeked out this happy place every night.   Now, its a shrine which she solemnly worships. (100 words excluding the title) ©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu                   RIVERS OF MARMALADE God's own poetry rolled out in verses of tangerine and marmalade with tinges of mauve and heather. Its a marvel to gaze upon the strokes, a celestial graffiti. Sunsets put on a  show, spilling rivers of carmines and cerise. The fading hues---a goodnight kiss to the sky and a prelude to the much awaited indigo midnight.


  THE PASSION OF POETRY THEME: WHAT DO YOU DREAM ABOUT                          CHIMERA From soft-spun gossamer webs I weave mystical daydreams and wizardry, The sunbeams of silken gold threads to bedeck marvel-like tapestry! It's a heady potion where I sail on swan-shaped puffed clouds above An irenic space for fantasies and fairy tales of true love... It's my snug cocoon of twilight darkness, In this cradle, I find immense happiness Shimmering and morphing in a world of magical land faraway I dream I'm a songbird in a midsummer sky on a cloudless day… In a woodland of soft light and crisp pine air I conjure up pegasi and unicorns of dazzling glare Buzzing bees in a meadow of wild clover Larks and Magpies in their embellished bower! The angels and fairies in my dreams, in voices convincing and pure "The night is always dark, that's why God  created stars", they assure… To guide me, you, to the right door They open effortlessly bringing me tr


The Passion of Poetry Theme: Power of Knowledge THE WISDOM TREE The tree of knowledge stands majestic and deep-rooted soaking up the rainwater and drenching in the sunny warmth It brims with hopes of fortune untold, enthusiastic about how my plans will unfold I long to see them come to fruition, it's my zeal and zest on the road of gold… Enlightening myself under it's mural of emerald and jade leaves bright Under the moon and starry skies, I revel in my glory with all my might! Even in times of turmoil and despair, victorious I will emerge, the power of knowledge says! Basking in it's shade every moment doing what I do Inviting good fortunes with prayers and resolute fortitude! Never think you can't achieve; there's big wide world out there, you surely will! Don't be dejected or affected by naysayers, Rejoice confidently in your talents and efforts  Every dark brazen cloud has a dazzling lining of promise, Always keep your faith and confid




                     OCEANS IN THE SKY Oceans of cosmic might Sky awash with Northern light Oh! What a mesmerising sight! Heavens fires bright, daylight on a magnetic midnight Colours abound in the mystical Tundra Poured out from a celestial amphora Of the Goddess of Dawn, Aurora It's a spectacularly hued, divine opera The violaceous skies of deep amaranthine Lavenders, magentas and mauve divine Reminds of cherry glows and plum wine Arcs and curtains in the horizon At the edge of the sky, crystals frozen Dances and swirls, the empyrean redden The glow of twinkling stars magically deepen. Pic Courtesy:Pixabay ©️Sangeetha Kamath


 BEYOND THE BOX THEME: CROSSOVER OF FICTIONAL CHARACTERS             PUDDY TAT AND PIED PIPER They're at it again! With bricks and bats Thwacks, smacks and lots of splintering  cracks Crockeries clatter, into a million shards they shatter Tweety hobbles hither and thither,Sylvester close behind her… To put an end to this constant menace Tweety hatches a devious plan, this nuisance to forever erase Trusted friend Jerry comes to her rescue Tells her that he'll be her accomplice, her fears and worries are quite undue A call on a hotline is made by Sylvester all in a stupor Promptly arrives a dude in a frolicky caper "Hey there, how can I help you? I'm the Pied Piper!" Sylvester calls him aside and confides in a whisper "Pests and pesks are abound and around I'm going crazy especially with that cunning mouse rotund." "Say no more, it'll be done", says the Piper "I'll ensure everyone lives happily ever after." With a melody of