After the last guest had left the birthday party, Timothy, all of ten, dashed inside the house to unwrap all his gifts and presents. He squealed in delight as each package unraveled the objects of his heart’s desire. Just as he thought he was done with it, a slim rectangular box dropped onto the floor as a pile of scrap was being cleared.
It was shoddily wrapped in brown paper.
Gingerly, he picked it, turning it over but there was no name or gift tag. Upon unwrapping, the contents revealed a wristwatch with a tacky, plastic strap but the timepiece shone with a polished glow.
A single sprig of an aromatic herb was tucked into the cloth it was swaddled in.
A handwritten note said, “From your well-wisher. Wear it.”
Timothy's parents were quite wary of gifts from anonymous sources but Timothy was quite adamant about discarding it. As soon as he wore it, a random number flashed on the display and…started counting down!
Aghast at this witchcraft, Timothy's parents swiftly yanked it off his wrist, but the countdown didn't stop! At their wits end and with Timothy's mother reduced to tears, none could make the timepiece stop. Seconds, minutes, hours passed and Timothy's destiny was sealed.
Resigning to his fate, Timothy decided to live his best life for the remainder of his years.
Time ticked away and the number on the timepiece gradually reduced from five figures to four…three…two…
In the final week, Timothy arranged a grand get together of his children, grandchildren, relatives and friends. He had made the most of his life, abandoning every fear to achieve his dreams.
Time flew like Timothy had never known before. 3…2…1
Timothy felt at peace and was ready to embrace the last day of his life with gratitude in his heart.
Timothy closed his eyes and waited with bated breath for death to escort him home. Inhale…
Timothy's heart pumped with a steady rhythm as did his effortless breathing. Timothy opened his eyes and nothing had changed. Except for the timepiece. It had started counting forward.
A tiny message flashed on the display—”Your time starts now”.
Timothy knew what it was to be afraid for the first time in his life!
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
Pic Courtesy: Image by fancycrave1 from Pixabay
Oh wow! That was a great twist! I say that while giving my own watch a side-eyed glance...
Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D
DeleteThank you so much once again 🙏🏻