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The School of Tots and Brats was in a great flurry of excitement as the last day of the term came to a close. Spring break was starting from tomorrow and all the cubs, fawns and ducklings were already making plans for the holidays talking nine to the dozen on their way out. 

“Heya Oliver! The guys are going hiking up a new trail that has opened up for campers. Wanna join us and make them spot us for some photos?”

“Photos? Whad’ya mean, Jer?”

“Pics, man! These crazy lot click pics of critters like us for all to see and go Awwwww…who knows, you could be very, very famous one day…like Oliver the Opossum!”

“Uh-oh! Well, ok I guess…I'll join you guys. This is going to be fun!”

“You bet! And they give you food too if you let them pet you and don't bare your fangs or claws….hohohoh!”

Oliver sprinted and scurried over pebbles and through dandelions towards his home in the dogwood grove. Gladys, his mama was busy baking pie from the freshly picked grapes which she bought at the Vineyard. 

Ever since poor Oliver had developed an allergy for strawberries which he was so fond of, she had stopped going to the strawberry patch. She missed her old friends whom she would meet there and all the chitter-chatter.

But she had made new friends at the vineyard and today there was a buzz about a new young opossum that was sighted near the bluebell heath. Poor girl looked lost and scared and scooted even upon seeing friendly faces.

Gladys had a lot to share with Oliver this evening at dinner. 

“Oliver! C'mon boy, have a wash and sit down for dinner. I've news to tell you.”

Oliver's eyes shone with excitement. He loved surprises. “What is it momma? Tell me, tell me now!”

“There's a missing kid, one of our kind on the loose. She must have been separated from her family. But the poor girl is so scared out of her wits that she hides where no one can find her. Please keep a lookout for her and tell your friends too. She may not run away if she sees kids her age.”

Oliver was stupefied. A missing kid in our woods? Where could she have come from?

He was absent mindedly nibbling on the grape pie when he remembered that he had to tell his mother about the hiking trip he was going on. 

Gladys was just about retiring for the night after washing up the last of the dishes when Oliver ambled up to her. She kissed him goodnight and told him to be wary of the strangers on the camping grounds. 


The full moon rose over the tallest dogwood tree and the woods were bathed in a dreamy pale pink sheen. Oliver slept soundly though a pair of eyes were watching the house until the last flicker of light inside went out. 

Scurrying noiselessly, Opal clambered on to the kitchen window sill and peered inside. She had seen a pair of opossums just like herself inside and that had delighted her. Right now, she was ravenous and craved for the food the family inside was having for dinner. It looked scrumptious from the way they licked the last drop off their plates.

Slipping through a crack, she made her way inside and found the leftovers neatly covered and kept on the table. Careful not to make the slightest noise, she lifted the lid. A sweet and tangy aroma tempted her to finish off every last bite of the grape pie.

Content and with her appetite appeased, Opal was on her way out when she heard the flapping of wings and a looming shadow of a bird as it flew past the window hooting menacingly.

Opal stepped back in terror and slid inside a basket of woolen yarns Gladys had left in the living room. With a thudding heart, Opal buried herself deep inside the cozy basket and soon fell asleep out of exhaustion. 

It was a terrifying day and she had made a terrible mistake wandering away from home.


Opal woke up with a start at the panic stricken shriek from the kitchen.

“Oliver! Come quick! There was a thief in the house last night. The leftover grape pie is all gone!”

Opal was now wide awake and lay still in the bottom of the basket. Soon, everything settled down and the house was quiet again after Oliver and Gladys had their breakfast. Oliver bade goodbye to his mother and left on the hiking trip with his buddies.

Opal nosed her way out and mustered a peek from the edge of the basket. Gladys was in the kitchen wondering to herself who could have broken into the house. Thievery was unheard of until now in dogwood grove. She had sensational news to tell all the ladies today at the vineyard. 

As soon as she was out of the door, Opal slipped into the kitchen and ate the slice of buttered bread Gladys had saved for her elevenses. The day was bright, sunny and pleasant. She crept out of the same window she came in and made her way to the bluebell heath. She spotted Oliver at quite a distance with his friends on the hiking trail. 

Oh no ! She decided against going to the campers today to get crumbs of fruit and bread for lunch. She couldn't risk showing herself. 

What now? Disappointed, she crouched amid the bluebells and watched a few rabbits and chipmunks scampering past her. She tried to follow the rabbit to the carrot patch but the fella was too fast for her. 

Out of breath and gasping, Opal drank dew from the Lilycups and chewed on a few wild berries. Close to tears, she wondered how long this would go on. She thought of the day she had dug a tunnel through the wired fence and in all the thrill of an adventure had gotten herself into this mess.

Skye was so kind and loving to her, yet she had escaped the pet enclosure and returned to the wild, breaking her heart and trust. Will she ever be reunited with Skye and return to the warm folds of her embrace and cuddles? Where in the big, wide world could she find her? She was completely lost and there was no sign of any familiar path!

To be continued…

Pic Courtesy: From the official page of Opal the Opossum on Instagram 

©️ Sangeetha Kamath 


  1. What a magical world you create with your imagination. Will be waiting eagerly for what's to follow! -Manoshi <3


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