Unbroken stream of thoughts course through
From it's iron grip I must cut loose
Haunting voices jolt me in the middle of the night
It's my turbulent mind at unease and always in fright
Rugged roads ahead are daunting
Rumbustious I can no longer be, time is ravaging
Plethora of awards I seek
Pinnacle of success I must reach
Painstaking schedules all week
Practice visualisation, they preach
Lollygagging is put on hold
Lugubrious are days leading to June
Labouring hard to strike gold
Laurels await, then I'll dance to my tune.
The odds and ends I must brave
These are life lessons from cradle to grave
The ladder of life battles gusty storms and shifting sands
Wavering on buoyant tides and on undulating lands
Through seasons sizzling and frigid winds baying
Grappling on steep slopes weary feet trudging
With grit and aim we dare the highs and lows
Life doesn't come in pretty packages tied with satin bows
Rung after rung are slippery we most often fall
More than the zenith it's the nadir we face yet stand fearless and tall
Pic Courtesy:Pixabay
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
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