To the girl that she was, building castles in the air
Who believed in all the lies and every fairytale
The blinders were shed as were the rose hued lens
Everything was crystal clear in a flash, in each and every sense!
Now she's sceptical, cynical, realistic, pragmatic
A docile doe once, who, now, doesn't hesitate going ballistic
She's a paradox of a version she once was
Learning how to swim alongside the piranhas while dodging their jaws
A blank canvas once, gullible and naive
Stark change has overcome, shes now worldy-wise and suave
Knights in shining armour are a mirage, a mere delusion
She's her own hero and saviour, everything else is just a fiction!
A lioness of the Savannah, the albatross of the ocean, a graceful Blue Heron
She even becomes a fire breathing dragon!
No longer harbouring any illusions dreamy
She modifies herself, a shape shifter in a jiffy like a piece of origami !
Pic Courtesy:Pixabay
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
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