Sometimes I wish I was the topper
Soaring the ranks in my class
Stun everyone with my marks whopper
Stumped at why I don't make top brass
Often I study late into the night
Orchestrating my time with subjects nine
Only mum feels sorry for my plight
"Oh I have set my eyes on the trophy Argentine."
Fractions, formaldehyde, fermentation
Forfeiture, mergers, bonds and stock
Fiction and literature sparks my imagination
Fahrenheit 451, Caesar, Othello, Keats and Mark Twain
Racking my head night and day
Relinquishing rest, I'm always on my toes
I grew up too soon
I've not a moment to lose
Now the he world is mine to conquer and oceans are mine to sail
On my stark white study table still sits my favorite cuddly teddy bear
Trailing a blaze from the Antarctica to the Arctic
From the west to the Far East, my travels quite surrealistic
Painting the canvas of my life with hue on the palette
Capturing every horizon ribbonned with vibrant sunrises and sunset
My wings are ready
Any fleeting second I may fly
When my parents' nest is empty
I'll remember every Merrie Melodies, movie nights and My Little Pony
Cherishing every hug, a hello and a I Love You
Preserving the potpourri of memories florid and true blue.
Pic Courtesy:ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
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