On the edge of a thicket, grow wild roses of the rarest damask hue
Glowing amethysts on olive green bushes when drenched in crystal clear dew
The aromatic rosebuds clammed close are nestled in my diary and tomes
Concealing whispers of gossip, passwords and also secret codes
Nostalgia of forgotten songs revive along with faded, distant dreams,
When a whiff of the musty parchment and old ink glides in like a toasty sunbeam
Blossoms of bluebells and petals of peonies
Adorn my journals with their withered, silken petals of lilac veins
Sprigs of laurel and rose-tinted orchids with their satin skeins
Envelop a scent of dewdrops, holding promises of lavender refrains
Stalks of mossy green remind me of wildflower meadows
The long walks in the Alps and valleys below
My poems waltz on these papers when I'm in seventh heaven or on cloud nine
Unbidden, melancholic tunes in my heart spill forth when I'm blue and not feeling fine
When chimes ring from the conifers and deep juniper woods
I deeply inhale their aroma on my musk-scented hardbound books
Burrowed between the pages are posies of fragrant magnolia and sakura
Stolen memories flow on a tapestry of rosemary-rhodora
The Lily pad shaped pages exuding a perfumed opera,
Regale me with wistful reminiscing any day, oh Mon Amour, Paper!
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
Pic Courtesy : Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay
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