Enid Blyton, she evokes my childhood memories like none other. Friendships, picnic baskets, pet parrots, pet dogs, mystery, secrets and adventures. I'd read them all and at one point of time even longed to go to school at St. Clare's or Malory Towers.
I would snub anyone who told me that these were fictional places. Such was my devotion to the goddess of children's story books. Over my school going years I collected a few, and read almost all from the local library.
Decades later, I would read them anytime when I needed another world to escape into, from the harsh reality of this one. And time itself would rewind back to my own childhood when I thought that everything was 'Sunshine and Roses'.
So excessive was my fondness for Enid Blyton stories, that, during the pandemic I went around looking for books which wanted a new home. And I found plenty during my search.
There were an abundance of enthusiasts like myself who had grown their collection over the years. These books were up for sales at discounted rates. Some vintage and some out-of-print editions.
An exchange of a few words and interaction with the sellers who were in their teens broke my heart.
They were parting with their childhood favourites in these dire times.
Should I buy them? Shouldn't I? I was in a fix. Even if I don't buy them, there would definitely be another taker...or two.
While parting ways with them with a load in my arms and double that in my heart, I assured the little ones that the books were going to a forever home where they would find a special place in my bookshelf. They would be taken care of as lovingly as they had been cherished all this time.
Once home, I had moist eyes as I held these books close to my heart
It wasn't quite a happy day whenever I encountered deals like these; Desperate times, Desperate measures...
Everytime I open these books to read, I see their names on the books written with their own handwriting or with printed labels and wonder how lovingly these books had been bought for them at one point of time.
These very books had come to my rescue when the world around seemed so crippling. Life had slowly jolted to a standstill...but I? I pulled out a 'Wishing Chair Collection' hopped onto it and went on an imaginary joy ride flying through the air with 'Chinky the Pixie'. Or up a Faraway Tree or to meet the Magic Folk.
Written in all simplicity, I still get lost in the world where nothing can ever go wrong. I can live on a farm, on a treetop, in the cabins, in the mountains, in a castle or a cloud. With a swish of a wand, I can create whatever I want to. Rainbows, sun rays, moonbeams, candies, cookies,... Happy endings too.
It's my 'Blyton'ia Utopia!
(487 words)
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
Pic Courtesy:Pixabay
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