She traversed untrodden, endless roads
The blazing sun scorching her eyes
Mirages dancing until the horizon became
One with the skies
Hallucinating, she was on turquoise water, while the world turned topsy-turvy
Palm trees in a distance, on dunes of umber and tawny
Upon the rain washed sky of deep ultramarine
So oblivious was she to puffy clouds billowing in shades of citrine
Sunbeams sparkled off arcs of rainbows on perfect dome azure
That once reminded her of songs and melodies quite pristine and pure
She now steals silken strands out of the summery cobalt
And weaves a duvet to cocoon her porcelain heart
Pastel are the waves of sunshine and puddles of sky cyan
Quelling in her heart are untamed oceans and relentless rain
From the window of her memories, she now gazes solemnly, every memory an episode
In her quest to find a map that plasters the worn out lines on this ode…
Yet, her pirate heart seeks a treasure hunt to quench unending thirsts–
To restore her dreams gem-studded with amethysts.
To anchor her ship in harbours and shores of safety
Where her story will be held gently and with vulnerability.
Pic Courtesy: ArtoonsInn Poetry Parlour
© Sangeetha Kamath
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