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The garlands and wreaths of amber marigold on the threshold gently swayed in the wintry breeze. The heady perfume floated around the house mixed with those of vibrant golden chrysanthemums in ornamental bronze troughs of sparkling water. The ruby red amaryllis in tall crystal vases in every corner added class and sophistication to the decor. 
Diwali was around the corner and so was her homecoming. She took slow steps from the driveway to the entrance, her silver anklets reflecting her anxiety in their hesitant tinkling. 

Her bangles too sensed her trepidation as she fumbled with her heavy, crimson brocade sari which was elegantly draped, the gossamer veil covering her neat hairdo cascading daintily.

She was met with a bevy of women, some throwing her furtive glances, some welcoming her with smiling faces and twinkling eyes. She sensed Aman right by her side, walking in step with her, taking her right hand reassuringly in his. 

Aman's mother stood with the auspicious platter of aarti, vermillion, turmeric, a bowl of rice and petals of roses.

"Welcome home, bahu", she said lovingly as she showered her with the petals and sprinkled grains of rice on the couple. 

There were whispers and murmurs from the far corner and a few stray words floated in intentionally, and it took a lot of grit to turn a deaf ear to them 

She stood at the threshold, in a dilemma, but her mother in law embraced her and led her in. At the centre of the hall, an intricate rangoli greeted her with her favourite colors and flowers. The diyas around it waiting to be lit by the newly wed bride.

She had tears in eyes as she looked gratefully at her mother in law who gave her a reassuring nod to go ahead.

She was accepted into the household with much warmth, respect and dignity as was worthy of every woman who had lost a husband and deserved a second chance at life. 

Aman and his broad minded parents had set an example by dispelling her darkness in the literal sense.

(347 Words excluding the title)

©️ Sangeetha Kamath 

Pic Courtesy :Image by saurabh joshi from Pixabay


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