Spanning multiple timelines, civilizations and eras, the Sorcery Of The Senses takes you on a surreal journey right from the prologue. This saga explores significant past lives of our protagonist Dhruv who embarks upon a quest to find a fabled, mysterious stone with the help of 'The Senses'.
The five senses are personified and they, as Dhristi and Sparsha give Dhruv glimpses of his incarnations where he has the possession of the stone, but loses it everytime due to situations which are not in his control. Sometimes, destiny was at play and sometimes human greed and envy.
This in turn gives us the sub-plots and chapters of Ghriz and M0ng where the story unravels further.
Cleverly crafted right down from the names of the characters, towns and locales in each of the distinct episodes, the author has even devised an entire new fictional language for them which is apt for the scenarios.
Be it a ritual, a custom, a form of addressing and endearment, or even the attires and certain gestures incorporated, all point to the mega imagination the author has, to weave this fantasy interspersed with period drama(?)--- (I hope I'm using the right words here. Please correct me if I'm wrong)
Five year old Ghriz stole my heart with her innocence and cherubic face–here I have to mention that SDT is par excellence and I could picture Ghriz's expression, her childlike laughter, and the wonder in her eyes when she spots the Rikitisi deer in the Nakesia forest with her super vision.
The story takes a leap when Ghriz advances in age and goes though the first flushes of love, love lost, betrayal and finally finding her courage to lead her tribe with the powers of the stone. The character arc of Ghriz as she comes into her own is what is so inspiring.
I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when the stone falls into the wrong hands and Ghriz exits her mortal body, falling prey to treachery and deception by her most trusted.
In one of his past lives as M0ng, Dhruv is sightless but blessed with a touch of healing. It's an irony that the sense of sight has totally forsaken him this time.
Again, the matters of the heart are her/his bane and it's looked down upon as it's outside acceptable societal norms. He/she falls prey to stately conspiracies and betrayal.
A pattern seems to have been set and Dhruv must break this chain to learn his soul purpose and lessons.
M0ng's episode was a mini mytho-fiction and I was immensely engrossed with the backstory of Bingwen Bitang and Biyu. It was a cinematic experience with vast gardens, moonlit nights, the decor and interiors of the palaces.
Biyu's character arc was so well drawn-out. I would call her my favourite of all in this segment. From a docile, devoted wife and queen to a conniving schemer with the entry of M0ng in her husband's life, she plays the role of the 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' to the hilt when she puts an end to M0ng in a macabre manner. And everyone else too who had given her a raw deal.
Although I empathized with M0ng, Biyu had grey shades which I admired more and made her realistic.
Death comes as a brutal end in both the incarnations of Ghriz and M0ng marked by deception and stately conspiracies. The holy stone goes missing from Dhruv's possession everytime and time is running out.
The Senses are not very pleased and want to recover it before the evil forces annihilate the universe and all life forces along with the Senses from it.
(Maybe this expounds the theory that we're living in a simulated matrix and we create our own realities with it ? And without the senses, the entire universe would collapse unto itself?)
Meanwhile in the present incarnation, Dhruv is battling to save his marriage which has hit rock-bottom, but seeing the futility of it, both he and his wife Juthika decide to part ways amicably. Dhruv is able to recover a part of the stone as he goes along, while the other piece is still in possession of the evil forces.
Will Dhruv trace it before the clock stops ticking?
Will he be the saviour of our Universe?
Will he succeed in his mission this time?
Who are the evil agents in this present lifetime?
Are some of the characters in his present life the same vile ones from his existence as Ghriz and M0ng?
Can he recognise the good from bad this time or fall prey to double-crossing again?
The story ends as a cliffhanger with the promise of a duology or a trilogy on the horizon.
Waiting with bated breath to read more of Dhruv's adventure on this treasure hunt…and if possible to be introduced to the remaining two Senses and a couple more of his past lives as well.
The author has taken care to lay a strong foundation for each of the supporting characters.
Every twist and turn the story took had ample logic and reasoning behind it. Everyone had their moment to shine with meaty roles, even though the story revolved around M0ng, Dhruv and Ghriz.
Kudos Tanima !💚
Well rounded off with all ends tied up nice and good. If this was a movie, it would be a blockbuster!
And I already have your autograph to flaunt…so I'm one lucky girl🤩
Good luck and best wishes to The Sorcery Of The Senses to have a roaring success 💚✨
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
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