B- Brilliant and dazzling were your eyes once upon a time
E- Enthusiastically you had a spring in your step and a joy in your bounce
A- Affectionately you took everyone under your wing,
U- Unseen and unknown to us were your weariness, sorrow or grief
T- Tables were set from dawn to dusk, without a frown on your face or a crease on your crown!
Y- Your radiance shone from a heart full of love, come rain or sunshine from above
F-Fingers soft and caring, they untangled my hair
R-Reminiscing about you, makes me nostalgic and sad
O- Over the rainbow and star-spangled heavens, you are the most beautiful orb of twinkle
M- Marvellous were your manners, gentle was your heart; soft were your words, you were a class apart!
W-Wizard you were with friends and family, magic you wove with your honesty and integrity!
I- Ingenious were your ways in dealing with difficulties, every problem was driven to nullity
T- Test of time you could withstand, stoic and loyal to the end!
H- Harbouring grudges and hatred was not your game,
I- Instead you took the fall for everyone, in return never got the same
N- Never will there be a another like you, you were a one in a million, a dream come true!
Pic Courtesy: Pixabay
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