The wave of nausea is overpowering and the world is swimming. The voices seem to float through a thick shroud—"NO TIME TO LOSE!"
I'm just on the verge of blacking out when I see a girl lying a few inches away from me. Bloodied face, broken nose but her designer gown and jewels are recognisable anywhere.
Kimaya, the superstar…unmistakably dead!!
Whimpers of panic ensue from people sprawled face down on the floor. Has anyone called the police or an ambulance?
Through a hazy vision I see Kimaya being changed into quite a dowdy dress. Just as another wave of dizziness is about to overpower me, my face is splashed with icy water. I gasp and splutter, but another one is thrown in for good measure which rouses me fully.
"Here, wear these quickly", a voice mumbles. I go behind a wide pillar and with wobbly movements, do as I'm told. As I emerge, I steal a glance on a reflecting surface. I'm Kimaya's exact replica!
"You lackeys! You almost had my skull bashed in! Now take her away and make sure you all do a clean job out of it. Out! Out! All of you!" My voice is barely audible as I hiss out orders.
With them out of the door, I fire a shot in the air, take Kimaya's place and then dial 911...!
Pic Courtesy:Pixabay
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
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