Mighty monarchs of the skies they're NOT
Warblers and songbirds of the woods, ALL
Hopping over wands of grass with a bonny bright spirit are THOSE
Feathered elven pixies lending a dash of colour in my garden and WHO
Roost on my ledge after a hard day's labour of nectar-hunting and a jolly WANDER
Waking up to their chirps and jocund dances ARE
Something that I look forward to—rhythm, rainbow and sunshine of the soul– something along the way that I've LOST.
Artwork: Ankisha
Pic Courtesy: Soul Craft
©️ Sangeetha Kamath
A Golden Shovel is a poetry format wherein a quote or a line from another poem is borrowed to craft an entirely different poem. Each word of that line becomes the ending word of one's poetry. In this piece I've borrowed my favourite quote "NOT ALL THOSE WHO WANDER ARE LOST" from J.R.R. Tolkien's Fellowship of the Rings, Lord of the Rings.
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