Life is not a straight line,
It's full of twists and turns; throwing you a curve ball fine!
Find your stable, calm space, stop worrying about what people say without grace...
They haven't lived a day of your life, don't deplete your energy in strife
Walk away from squabbles, drama and toxicity,
Untangling knots you didn't tie isn't your responsibility!
Close the chapters, close the entire book---begin a new one
Scratch out characters who don't belong, you'll find new ones who resonate with your song!
Expectations are a disaster recipe for disappointments
You belong to yourself, prioritize your commitments
Be happy for no reason. Look for rainbows or an argent cloud in rainy season
Find joy in things that light your soul on fire, Chase your dreams like a live wire!
Disconnect from everything that doesn't nourish you spiritually
Find solace in nature, you'll heal gradually
Peace will be yours when you remain stable internally
Regardless of any chaos and cacophony externally
It comes with practice and meditation
Take one step at a time, you'll reach that destination!
Pic Courtesy: Pixabay
©️ Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu
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